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War Thunder 1.67: Further development for Simulator Battles
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Pilots of Simulator Battles, we have already introduced you to the new game mechanics of “rooms” (lobby), which opens for you the possibility of choosing the game session and even the team you join. In the future it will replace “Enduring Confrontation” and will greatly expand your capabilities of simple preparation in battles.

Movement to the new mechanics will proceed smoothly. In War Thunder Update 1.67 “Assault”, the new SB will be presented in the form of rooms and achievements will be able to be used in it! This will allow SB pilots along with players of other game modes to participate in the events and specials where battles will return a clear definition of the winning and losing team. In the first stage of the movement to the new SB you will find the the familiar “EC” as separate room.

But this is not all the merits of the new format: in the final stages of the movement to the new SB, players will be able to create own rooms! Player will be able to choose:

  • Which countries will be able to participate in each team
  • Which Battle Ratings will be available for the mission (selection from the available ranges)
  • Which missions will be in rotation, including creation of the “EC”

User rooms will be in separate block and the name will include the BR fork and name of the mission. In these missions you will not be able to join accidentally from the general queue, but you can get to them from the list of rooms.

We will announce separately the start of lobby mode for aircraft SB
after the release of the War Thunder Update 1.67 “Assault”

We hope that you will appreciate the new features of the updated SB!

War Thunder - very simple

Very soon SB will be a more transparent and simple mode, where apart from the usual choice of battle server the player will be able to independently choose an interesting battle. In addition, the achievements of the events and specials will work in SB and skilled players will be able to create custom player rooms.

Q. What will the rules of respawn be in the new SB?
A. You will able to choose whole set-ups of aircraft which will be accepted in mission. You will be able to respawn in each vehicle once (or twice if you have back-up vehicle). When losing the chosen vehicle it will be blocked till end of the battle.


Q. Which missions we will see in the new SB?
A. It will be missions from aircraft RB


Q. Which nations will participate?
A. For the moment: USSR vs Germany, USA vs Japan, USA + Britain vs Germany.


Q. How deep will the customization of the user rooms be?
A. You will be able to choose the BR fork (selection from the available ranges), choose missions and sides of the conflict.


Q. Will you consider allowing research progress  in the user rooms?
A. Yes

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