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Under the black flag
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Ahoy me hearties!!

Summer is full of surprises, sometimes these are not so pleasant, August ends with an invasion... of pirates!

Modern bounty hunters are not limited to use an old sailboat, but still prefer to travel in groups. So while their appearance may have changed over time, what you can never change, is their insane love for treasure.

Or can you?

Our intelligence reports: large groups of ships sailing Under the black flag closing in on our support depots. Obviously, the sea bandits decided to capture the warehouses and use them as cargo transit bases. So don’t relax, a pirate is not a one-eyed, one-legged bearded man with a need to say “Yaaaaaaarrrr!” these days, he is a skilled captain who will fight for his cargo till the bitter end!

Pilots, prepare to go hunting for the pirates “Black Spots”!

From 15:00 GMT on the 1st of September to 07:00 GMT on the 5th of September

Join the battle between aircraft and pirate ships in the special “Under the black flag” Event!

Use the aircraft of any nation to destroy pirate ships with torpedoes. Completing these tasks will be possible in both the “Under the black flag” Event and in regular battles. Destroy 30 pirate ships in the “Under the black flag” Event to earn a “Black Spot”.


For every 30 destroyed pirate ships you will get “Black Spot” and a “Treasure Chest” trophy (not more than 4 times).

The “Treasure chest” contains one of the following items:

  • "Destroy 10 units" wager
  • Random +40% RP or SL booster for 10 battles
  • Random "Order"
  • Random back-up vehicle for ranks II-IV
  • Discount on one of the premium torpedo bombers
  • "Purse with gold" (10-200 )
  • One of the “Pirate Flags”

You are guaranteed to receive one of the “Pirate Flag” decals if you collect 5 “Black Spots.

During the course of this event, the following missions will be used:

  • [Ground Strike] Merchant Fleet
  • [Ground Strike] Crater
  • [Ground Strike] Pacific Hidden Base
  • [Ground Strike] Lonely Island
  • [Domination] Norway

All of these missions will host pirate ships, which will be your main targets.

Just digging is useless, modern pirates carry their treasures with them.

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