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New Squadron Features
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Squadrons in War Thunder are in-game player communities. As of now, there are over 20,000 active squadrons in the game that participate in squadron battles, fight in random battles, chat and simply have a good time. Many squadrons are training hard to participate in the Thunder League e-sports tournament, where impressive monetary prizes can be won. The tag of a well-known squadron next to a player's nickname immediately shows all the other participants of Random Battles that a master of aerial or ground warfare stands before them – which is a nice feature.

In short, squadrons are a very important part of the game's community. For officers and soldiers of squadrons in War Thunder, and also for players who are simply choosing which squadron to join, we've prepared a batch of new and useful functions, available in the nearest update:

Region Line

Squadron descriptions can now include a region (at the discretion of the squadron leadership) – for example, a city or country. You can now see which squadrons have been formed in your city, region or country so you can play and win side by side with people local to you. This is a great way to make new friendship in the game and in real life!


Additional information that is available only to squadron members. This can contain important information, operational reports from the front lines of squadron battles or notices for your fellow soldiers.

Membership Requirements Menu

Here, squadron commanders can describe the requirements by which applications to join will be filtered – a minimum vehicle rank in air or tank battles, a minimum number of battles in Arcade, Realistic or Simulator battles. Joining a squadron can be done automatically so that a candidate who meet the commander's requirement can be automatically accepted into the squadron.

Squadron Log

The name speaks for itself – here you can see the latest events in the life of the squadron, which new players have joined and who has been removed from the squadron, recent promotions and changes to the squadron's description or name.

Squadron Activity

We now have the ability to compare squadrons based on their battle activity. Squadron Activity is the sum of the activity metrics of the squadron's soldiers. Each soldier can collect up to 120 Activity Points per day (1 Activity Point is given for 200 Research Points received). Squadron Activity is the sum of all the players' activity over the last 14 days. Activity Points allow the squadron commander to rate his fellow soldiers. The Squadron Activity metric itself provides more information about the squadron to any newcomer who wishes to join it. In squadron battles, Squadron Activity indicates how intensively your opponents are training, and for Thunder League competitors, the metric will allow them to assess their opponents in their division.

Adjustable Size for Training Squadrons

The number of participants in a training squadron can now be increased from 10 to 110 soldiers. Each increase of 10 new slots in the training squadron costs 225 Golden Eagles. In addition, a training squadron can be turned into an ordinary squadron for Golden Eagles – investing Golden Eagles into upgrading of a training squadron is never a waste, as this makes transforming the training squadron into an ordinary one cheaper for the commander. For example, if a training squadron of 40 people spent 675 Golden Eagles to upgrade, turning the training squadron into a standard squadron will be cheaper than buying a squadron: 2500 - 675 = 1825 Golden Eagles. A fully leveled-up training squadron can be turned into an ordinary squadron for 2500 - (10 * 225) = 250 Golden Eagles, receiving another +18 (reaching 128 members) to its maximum squadron size in addition to the other advantages of being a standard squadron.

The War Thunder Team

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