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Bf.109E-7 & E-4
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Today, fans of German aviation will get to know two other models of the classic Luftwaffe fighter Messerschmitt Bf.109E-4 & the improved Bf.109E-7.


Kirill "Lassar" Vostretsov, Game Designer:

This modification of the Messerschmitt Bf 109E-4 is an improvement on model E-3. It took advantage of experience received by the Germans during battles over La Manche in 1940. The aircraft was newly equipped with an armoured backrest, which the E-3 sometimes sorely needed. Apart from that, the aircraft also received several other changes to the pilot’s cockpit and the weapon configuration.

Yuriy Titarev, artist:

Outwardly, the Bf 109 E-4 differs from its predecessor mainly in its canopy. It is similar to the one used on the series F Messerschmitts. In addition, the pilot was protected by an armoured backrest and headrest. This slightly reduced the pilot’s rear view, but gave the pilot a chance to survive enemy fire from the rear and above.


Kirill "Lassar" Vostretsov, Game Designer:

The E-7 model was one of the best of the Emil series. The aircraft had a tapering nose and the universal ETC-500 bomb rack, allowing it to carry a 250 kg bomb or additional fuel tanks. Some aircraft of the series also received frontal bullet-proof glass.

The War Thunder Team

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