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In-Game Discounts for War Thunder’s 12th Anniversary!
Today we’re launching the celebrations of the 12th anniversary of War Thunder! In honor of this anniverary, discounts on vehicles, modifications, talismans, backups and Premium Account time are available in the game. This means you’ll be able to purchase new vehicles, upgrade your existing vehicles and get consumables at a good discount.
  • 23 October 2024
Best Radar-Guided Air-to-Air Missiles
Guided missiles are crucial to modern jet aviation, with different types designed to counter various enemy aircraft. Not long ago, we discussed the best infrared-guided air-to-air missiles, and today it's time to focus on radar-guided missiles — those that lock on a target with the assistance of the aircraft’s radar system.
  • 23 October 2024
Warbonds for the “Guided Fury” Battle Pass!
Check out the Warbond shop selection that you can earn by completing Battle Pass challenges! As usual, there’s decals, decorations, player icons, camouflages, a stylish pinup that continues the new series, and six premium vehicles for you.
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  • 23 October 2024
The UH-1C XM-30 is Temporarily Available on the Anniversary of the UH-1’s First Flight!
The UH-1 Iroquois multi-purpose helicopter, developed by Bell Helicopter, made its first flight on October 22nd 1956 and entered serial production in 1960. This helicopter is still in active use today, with more than 16,000 UH-1’s having been produced.
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  • 22 October 2024
Pre-order: Object 140
Today we’ll be taking a look at the Object 140, which is a premium medium tank with a long-barreled 100 mm gun and a 14.5 mm anti-aircraft gun on the turret roof.
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  • 22 October 2024
Dunkerque: Spear Point
Let’s have a look at Dunkerque, the lead ship of a class of two battleships built in the early 1930s in an effort to modernize the French capital ship fleet to meet the threats posed by the navies of its neighboring countries.
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  • 22 October 2024
HMCS Haida Temporarily Returns with a Discount for Niobe Day!
Until 1910, Canada did not have its own navy, relying on the might of the British Empire. After having created its own navy, Canada purchased two ships from Great Britain. The first of which was HMCS Niobe, arriving in Halifax on October 21st 1910. This date was not chosen at random. It was the anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar and the main holiday of British sailors who initially trained the Canadians. Canada celebrated Trafalgar Day until 2014, when it decided to mark October 21st as Niobe Day.
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  • 21 October 2024
Meet Guided Fury, the 17th Season of the Battle Pass!
Fury from the skies! Meet the 17th season of the Battle pass. In this one, you can get the Soviet light cruiser Murmansk and the He 177 A-3 German bomber, armed with the new Hs 293 guided bomb!
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  • 21 October 2024
Trafalgar Day: Horatio Nelson Decal and the Fairmile D (5001) at a 30% Discount!
On October 21st 1805, perhaps the most famous naval battle in the history of the Royal Navy took place near Cape Trafalgar. 27 British ships of the line, led by Admiral Horatio Nelson, entered the battle against 33 ships of the line of the combined fleets of France and Spain. The Royal Navy did not lose a single ship in the battle, capturing 21 enemy ships and sinking one. This victory is widely celebrated in Great Britain to this day.
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  • 21 October 2024
The Shooting Range #429
You are watching The Shooting Range – a weekly show for all tankers, airmen and Captains in War Thunder.
  • 20 October 2024
Welcome to Thunder Show and the most gorgeous moments of the past week. And when we say gorgeous, we mean not just the beauty of the situations, but also the crazy efficiency. Let’s get started!
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  • 18 October 2024
PLZ05: Long-Barrel Excellence!
Today we’ll be taking a look at the PLZ05, featuring a modern 155 mm self-propelled howitzer that’ll further strengthen the Chinese ground forces tree in the next major update!
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  • 18 October 2024
FV107 Scimitar: Single-Edged Sword!
Today we’ll be taking a look at the FV107 Scimitar, a British light tank with a 30 mm autocannon on a light chassis, capable of positioning itself well around the map and causing havoc to the enemy!
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  • 17 October 2024
Battle Pass Vehicles: He 177 A-3/R3 Greif
Today we’ll be taking a look at the main aircraft reward for the Guided Fury Battle Pass, a long-range German bomber featuring the brand-new Hs 293 guided bomb, which is not currently in the game!
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  • 17 October 2024
Big Gun, Big Problems: History of M551 Sheridan
The U.S. Airborne Forces have always been considered elite within the military, and elite units require specialized weapons and equipment — including air-droppable tanks.
  • 16 October 2024
Battle Pass Vehicles: Murmansk
Today we’ll be showing you Murmansk, an American light cruiser in service with the Soviet Navy! Its multiple 152 mm guns are particularly effective against lightly armored targets, while its excellent anti-aircraft weapons and radar make this ship good against aircraft too.
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  • 16 October 2024
The Vautour IIN is Temporarily Available at a Discount for the Anniversary of its First Flight!
The Vautour II was designed and produced by Sud Aviation and made its first flight on October 16th 1952. It served with the French Air Force from 1958 to 1979 and was also supplied to Israel, where it saw combat in the Six-Day War and the War of Attrition.
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  • 16 October 2024
It’s fixed! №98
Today, we’ll be going over the bug fixes and improvements that we’ve made to the game over the past 2 weeks. Let’s take a look!
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  • 16 October 2024