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Thunder Cup - Qualifying Tournament
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From October 2nd to October 7th first automated squadron tournament in 7v7 tactical battles form took place - the qualifying tournament for the Thudner Cup I!

Qualifying Tournament​

  Arcade battles Realistic battles
1 EBOLA -1shot -
2 FuFu Tank division Mystery Squad
3 Military Air Global offensive Play for fun
4 Pafos Squadron CBo6oda u 4ecTb
5 BC9I BJIACTb COBETAM Pafos Squadron
6 UKRAINIAN KOZAKI Fuerza Aerea de Chile
Click to see details about qualifying tournament.

In Arcade and Realistic Battles mode you can win the following prizes:

  • 1st Place:  2 000 for 15 squadron players
  • 2nd Place:  1 500 for 15 squadron players
  • 3rd Place:  1 250 for 15 squadron players
  • 4th Place:  1 000 for 15 squadron players
  • 5th Place:  750 for 15 squadron players
  • 6th Place:  500 for 15 squadron players

The 6 best squadrons who play in Realistic Battles will take part in the Thunder Cup I together with teams of the Professional League:

  • Arcade eSports
  • Verve
  • Der Adler
  • Akai Victory
  • POPE
  • Stormo Caccia
  • Poltergeist
  • GOF
  • Cube

The Grand prize of Thunder Cup I:
Players from the winning team will travel to China
to compete against the best Chinese team
for the prize fund of $11 000!

Terms and conditions of receiving the prizes will be published on the forum and sent to the commanders of the winning squadrons.

Tournaments will be available in the “Events and Tournaments” tab. Only squadrons can take part in the tournaments

Tournaments start October 2nd at 12:00 GMT.
Tournaments end October 7th at 08:00 GMT.
Tournaments will not be available each day from 22:00 to 03:00 GMT and from 08:00 to 15:00 GMT (except the starting day).

Format 7v7

Tactical combined format 7v7 — This format is a tough challenge for the team players: The variation of strategies is overwhelming, while both tactical and gameplay decisions can drastically affect the match outcome both in the air and on the ground. In the future, these tactical battles 7v7 may replace the squadron battles and become a part of qualifying for tournaments of the Thunder League.

Thunder League

This autumn we will present you with the Thunder League – The players’ union, which gives its members amazing options. Ordinary players and War Thunder professionals can become members of the League – as pilots or as tankers (or both).

In the Thunder League, there will be team and individual player tournaments, some of them with closed access only for the members of the League.

More information about the Thunder League will be available soon, be sure to check the announcements!

Rules of the automated qualifying tournament for the “Thunder Cup”​

  1. Any squadron can take part not depending on the country of origin.
  2. Changing squadrons during the tournament is forbidden: A player who started the tournament in one squadron can take part in the tournament only for that squadron.
  3. The best 6 squadrons can form teams of up to 10 players in order to participate in the “Thunder Cup”.
  4. In case one of the squadrons who won the qualifying tournament refuses to take part in the “Thunder Cup”, the squadron next to it (according to the leaderboard of qualifying tournament) receives the right to participate.
  5. The squadrons that confirmed their participation take part in Thunder Cup I according to the regulations of the tournament. Regulations will be published before the end of the tournament. 
  6. The organizers retain the right to move the winning team’s trip to another event and another time in case of unforeseen circumstances.

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