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Tanker’s Day Specials!
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This weekend, from 16:30 GMT on the 11th of September
till 07:00 GMT on the 14th of September

Win the SU-76M of the 5th Guards Cavalry Corps
and participate in the “Tug of War”Arcade Event!

Play War Thunder and complete special tasks. In each type of the ground vehicle (light, medium, heavy tanks and tank destroyers) you will have to complete 3 stages:

1. Destroy 30 (for AB) enemy vehicles. 15 for RB and SB
2. Destroy 60 (for AB) enemy vehicles. 30 for RB and SB
3. Destroy 100 (for AB) enemy vehicles. 50 for RB and SB

For each completed stage you will receive a “SU-76M 5th Gv.Kav.Corps Resupply Box”, which contain one of the following items:

  • "Destroy 10 units" wager
  • Random +40% RP or SL booster for 10 battles
  • Random "Order"
  • Random back-up vehicle x5 for ranks I-III for USSR
  • Discount for one of the premium ground vehicles
  • SU-76M 5th Gv.Kav.Corps

With each opened “Resupply Box”, the probability of obtaining the most valuable content increases. If you complete all 12 tasks, you are guaranteed to receive the main prize - a SU-76M 5th Gv.Kav.Corps with unique decals..

If you don’t have enough time to complete some tasks and receive the premium vehicle, you can purchase the same “SU-76M 5th Gv.Kav.Corps Resupply Box” using the in-game shop (available soon until the 15th of September)!

Question: Is it possible to win the main prize (SU-76M) if I complete less than 12 tasks?

Answer: Yes, it is possible. You are guaranteed to receive the premium “SU-76M” in one of twelve “Resupply Boxes” - and each time, the probability of obtaining it will be increased. You may also skip some tasks, but purchase the “SU-76M 5th Gv.Kav.Corps Resupply Box” using the in-game store.
You can unlock 12 resupply boxes if you complete 9 of the tasks in game and purchase 3 boxes using the in-game shop.

Do you remember how to use towing cable?
You need to as It will be useful in the challenge!

Welcome to a new experimental event.

The main goal is to evacuate Gepard SPAA. The vehicle’s engine is out of service so the only way to deliver it is to use the towing cable to drag it to your team’s zone.

The enemy team will do everything to prevent you from doing it and towing is not an easy task on rough surfaces - if you want to be the one who does it you will need to choose a vehicle with a powerful engine and enough mass.

The main victory condition is that enemy team should lose all its points.
You can do it by delivering the “disputed” tank to the special zone for your team. As soon as the above named vehicle reaches the zone - your enemy starts to lose points.


  • Capture and hold the Gepard SPAA at your base.
  • A destroyed “disputed” tank will reappear in the central zone after 10 seconds.
  • A team loses 500 points if one of its members is knocked out.
  • The longer the tank is in the evac zone the faster the enemies lose their points.
  • The towed tank is vulnerable and can be destroyed but for destroying it the team will receive a 2000 point penalty.
  • You may want to destroy the evacuated tank in a no-win situation, or when the “disputed” tank is almost delivered to the enemy zone. By sacrificing some points, you can still create a chance of winning.
  • Each team consists of 4 players.
  • You can respawn with all ground vehicles in your lineup.


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