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Summertime Madness
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This thursday on August 6th “Summertime Madness” comes to War Thunder

An unprecedented prize fund, bigger than never before!

This time we prepared not only tasks and prizes but also an unusual game event: from August 6th to August 17th complete the tasks to get a ticket for the “March to Victory!” tournament with total prize fund of more than 500 000 where mighty walking tank ST-1 will be available.


Every day we will introduce new tasks to complete, both in the skies and on the ground. The prizes will be  “Madness trophies” - you can win tickets for the “March to Victory!” tournament, premium vehicles and other prizes!  Completing all 20 tasks both in the skies and on the ground you will reward you with a unique “Madman!” title!


Every day “Madness trophies” will become more valuable and will offer better chances to get the premium tank KV-1B (Germany), P-63A-10 (USSR) premium aircraft and tournament tickets. Apart from completing the tasks, the tickets can be purchased in the “Events and tournaments” tab (after the start of the tournament) or in the item shop as a part of a minor and major “Madness trophy”.


  • Completing “Madness in the skies” tasks increases your chances to receive the premium P-63A-10 (USSR);
  • Completing “Madness on the ground” tasks increases your chances to receive the premium KV-1B (Germany);
  • All “Summertime madness” tasks can be completed using vehicles of ranks II-V (exception - Flying Boats on Rank I in "Floats");
  • You can track your progress in the “Achievements” tab  - “Summertime madness”;
  • Tasks which require a team victory should be completed with more than 60% battle activity;
  • Some tasks have multipliers depending on the mode, these will be shown in the description; all requirements are shown for Arcade battles and may vary for other modes;

Rewards for “March to Victory!”:

March to victory” tournament available from August 7th to August 19th 8:00 GMT.

Working days: from 17:00 GMT to 22:00 GMT
Weekends: from August 14th 15:00 GMT to August 17th 8:00 GMT

  • For each 5 victories you receive a new tournament ticket which will allow you to continue participation within the tournament
  • For each 10 victories you will receive a “Madness trophy”
  • The prize fund in Golden Eagles will be given out as follows:
    • 1st place: 100 000
    • Places 2nd-5th: 30 000
    • Places 6th-10th: 15 000
    • Places 11th-30th: 5 000
    • Places 31rd-100th: 1 000

The player who destroys most enemies (non-AI) will receive the additional reward of 50 000 .

Unique premium KV-1B (Germany)

Unique premium P-63A-10 (USSR)

Madness in the skies





August 6th

Destroy 30 enemyfighters whilst flying
aircraft from either Japan or USA.


August 7th

Destroy 60ground targets controlled by AI whilst
flyingaircraft from either USA or Germany.


August 8 - 9th

Achieve 30 victories whilst flyingaircraft
from either Great Britain or Germany.


August 10th

Destroy 30 ships flyingbombers
from either Great Britain or Japan.


August 11th

Destroy 20 enemyaircraft flying
anattacker, bomber or flying boat.


August 12th

Destroy 40 enemyaircraft flyingaircraft
from the Fw.190 series or MiG series.


August 13th

Destroy 30 enemyattackers or heavy fighters flying aircraft
from one of the following series - Pe, IL-2, IL-10 and Ki-45.


August 14th

Destroy 30 enemyflying boats usingflying boats from
either USA or Japan. Floats event available!


August 15-16th

Achieve 3 victories finishing in 1st place at the end of the
battle flyingan aircraft from any nation. No RB/SB multipliers!


August 17th

Destroy 30 enemyaircraft flying anaircraft from any nation.

Madness on the ground





August 6th

Destroy 25 enemyground vehicles whilst
drivingmedium tanks from either USSR or Germany.


August 7th

Destroy 10 enemy aircraftwhilst driving
an SPAA from any nation. War in the mid Air event available!


August 8 - 9th

Destroy 30 enemyground vehicles whilst flyingaircraft from
either Germany, USSR or USA. War in the mid Air event available!


August 10th

Destroy 5 enemyheavy tanks whilst
drivinga Medium tank from any nation.


August 11th

Achieve 7 victories whilst drivingHeavy tank from any nation.


August 12th

Destroy 20 enemySPAA whilst driving anSPAA from
any nation. Rapid fire event available!


August 13th

Destroy 30enemy vehicles whilst drivinga tank
from one of the following series - Т-34, M4 or Pz.IV.


August 14th

Destroy 20 enemyvehicles driving an SPG from any nation.


August 15-16th

Achieve 3 victories finishing in 1st place in the end of the battle
whilst drivingground vehicles from any nation. No RB/SB multipliers!


August 17th

Destroy 25 enemyground vehicles whilst
drivingground vehicles from any nation.

Complete Madness Tasks, take part in the Madness tournament
and be a part of War Thunder “Summertime Madness”!

The War Thunder Team

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