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Wings of Victory: Yak-3
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Today is May  11th and we would like you to meet Yak-3, best single engine aircraft in WW2! First Yak-3 planes reached the front in summer 1944 and instantly proved its worth and won the recognition both by the pilots and the ground crew. Yak-3 was mostly used as tactical fighter flying low over the battlefield, there was hardly any match for this small combat airplane below 13,000 ft. Yak-3 became extremely popular and was put into production in multiple variants, beginning with “air taxi” modification and finishing with Yak-3T with one 37 mm and two 20mm cannons


Today we're giving you special 70% discounts on Yak-3 its repair costs, modules and ammo racks!


The Yak-3 was a Soviet single-engine fighter of the WWII era. It was the first combat aircraft designed by Alexander Yakovlev's construction bureau. The Yak-3 was a further modification of the Yak-1, produced in 1944 and 1945, with a total of 4,848 built, and considered one of the best fighters of the war. In February 1943 a new Yak-1M variant was completed. It was a further development of the Yak-1, differing from it mainly in lower weight and smaller wing span.

By September 1943 yet another improved variant was ready, designated Yak-1M Dubler, on which the canvas skin on the tail section was replaced with 2mm plywood, and oil and water radiators were improved. The Dubler also had a new mastless antenna, a ring sight instead of a reflector sight, improved armour and a new propeller. Test pilots were impressed by the new prototype. Their report stated in part: «Yak-1M possessed excellent horizontal, and especially vertical, maneuvrability. Top speed greatly improved compared to earlier serial-production Yaks. Despite improved performance, the aircraft remains easy to fly and does not require extensive pilot training.» Therefore, the new modification went into production, receiving a new designation, Yak-3.


One of the most memorable air battles for the Yak-3 took place on 16th July 1944, when the plane showed it could confidently engage superior enemy forces. On that day, 10 Yak-3s met 8 Bf-109s and 4 FW-190s, with the battle eventually growing to 18 Soviet and 24 German planes. In the end, 15 German planes were shot down, for the loss of a single Yak-3.


War Thunder Team

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