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War Thunder Mobile: Battle Skies in Your Pocket
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Gaijin Entertainment announces the development of the mobile version of its top-rated War Thunder WWII combat MMO. War Thunder mobile will be available for iOS and Android devices. Specifically built for smartphones and tablets, the mobile version of War Thunder delivers next-generation graphics, breathtaking action and an unique game mode: «Dogfight». A war machine extravaganza now in your pocket!

Over 1.5 million players have already played the PC-version of War Thunder and this fan base is growing day by day. The new mobile version of the game gives you an unique opportunity to stay in the battle skies of War Thunder even when you’re away from home! Pilot the flying legends of the Second World War, defeat your enemies and support your troops! Precise 3D-models, cutting-edge graphics and the new special «Dogfight» mode — meet brand new cross-platform War Thunder for iOS and Android!


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Pavel Kulikov, the Executive Producer of War Thunder reveals some details of the project: “In our PC version of the game we progressively implement ‘all-vs-all’ gaming modes, where we have air forces, ground forces and naval units fighting simultaneously on the same battlefield. Firstly, we’ve introduced combat aircraft, with tanks and warships to come very soon. War Thunder mobile will be developed in the same way - first, we’ll give you WWII fighters and bombers, then tanks and naval units”.


The development of the mobile version of War Thunder for iOS and Android is led by the mobile games department of Gaijin Entertainment. The professional team is well known on the market for their top-rated titles Modern Conflict 1-2, Braveheart, Fantasy Conflict and Run'n'Gun, which gathered numerous awards from the gaming community and press.


War Thunder team

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