War Thunder background
Update 12.03.2021 (
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  • Ji-Ro - the position of the sight has been corrected for SB mode.
  • Su-9, Su-11 - textures relating to the tail tearing off have been fixed.

Enduring Confrontation

  • A bug where AI controlled US aircraft models appeared in the USSR missions at ranks VI and VII has been fixed.
  • An aircraft carrier template has been added to the “Enduring Confrontation: Tunisia mission (landing and taking off from carrier. Missions to destroy carriers, are now available).
  • A bug with the ground convoys of team A has been fixed. Previously, they were unable to be detected, and tasks for escorting and destroying convoys were not available. 
  • A bug which would cause no indication of the square in which the ground convoy was located, during tasks requiring the destruction of the convoy, has been fixed.
  • A bug which would result in an incorrect calculation of the distance between the ground convoy and the front line, which would subsequently result in convoys travelling further into enemy territory, has been fixed.
  • The paths of aircraft carriers have been corrected, and they should now move straight between the path points, without trying to constantly turn, which should facilitate taking off and landing upon them. This applies to both naval and aircraft Confrontations.
  • A bug relating to aircraft carrier detection has been fixed in naval and aircraft Confrontations. Missions to attack and locate aircraft carriers should be available again.

The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.