War Thunder background
Update 11.03.2021 (
Attention! Outdated news format. Content may not display correctly.
  • Impact animation has been added to shell info cards for ground and naval vehicles.
  • Me 262 A group - naming has been corrected.
  • Separate launch option for the Tiny Tim rockets has been added for all aircraft featuring this rocket.
  • AD-2,  AD-4 (all nations) — separate drop option has been added for 1000 pounds bombs.
  • SARC MkVI (2pdr) — crew number has been raised from three to four.
  • Ji-Ro — crew number has been raised from five to seven.
  • Leclerc S1, Leclerc S2 — muzzle velocity of the OFL 120 G1 round has been increased from 1650 to 1780 metres per second with respective armour piercing recalculations.


  • The volume of gun hit sounds on different surfaces has been fixed.
  • The sound of explosions has become less sharp, the ‘clap’ effect has been removed.
  • The sounds of explosions have been removed for AP rounds hitting armour.


  • A bug has been fixed causing AI-gunners in 57-88mm guns ignoring enemy larger ships.
  • SMS Kaiser — a bug has been fixed that caused the disabling of 150mm shell selection in combat. 88mm guns have been moved to AA artillery group.

The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.