War Thunder background
Update 22.01.2021 (
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  • The engine sounds of enemy/allied vehicles (ground, aircraft, helicopters) are now muffled by obstacles. 
  • The volume of engine sounds from enemy/allied ground vehicles approaching from behind the player’s field of view has been increased.
  • A bug has been fixed with missing sounds of spotting machine guns from the gunner view for some American and Italian ground vehicles.
  • The playback issue with low calibre shells hitting the ground has been fixed.
  • The sound effect of collision between ground vehicle tracks and the track shelf has been added.


  • A caterpillar track now looks damaged when the tank wheel is destroyed.
  • A bug has been fixed with excessive RAM consumption on game launch when tabbed to other applications.
  • A bug has been fixed with the inability to drop bombs and torpedoes at low altitudes.
  • A bug has been fixed where a repaired caterpillar track might appear damaged to other players.
  • A bug has been fixed in the table of squadron players when right-clicking on the player nicknames did not open the context menu.
  • A crash of the game that occured in rare cases when switching camouflage in the "Customization" menu has been fixed.
  • A bug has been fixed with the second +75% booster for 5 battles at the 34th and 43rd levels of the Battle Pass appeared in the player's inventory 30 days after receiving the reward. Previously received boosters have not been corrected and will appear in players’ inventories 30 days after receiving the reward.
  • Displaying of hit markers in combined RB battles has been corrected.
  • Whirlwind P9, Mk.1 - oil and water cooling flap control has been combined. 
  • Mirage-3c - A bug has been fixed that caused the incorrect display of the remaining flight time. 
  • MBR-2 - A bug has been fixed that caused the aircraft to behave incorrectly on water. 
  • F4U (all modifications) - mechanisation protection against destruction at high speeds is enabled (flaps are released only at permissible speeds). 
  • F2G-1 - A bug has been fixed that caused the engine to overheat faster on WEP (depending on the speed, now the engine operates longer in WEP for up to 30 minutes). 
  • He 51b (seaplane) - A bug has been fixed that led to incorrect behavior on water in rough sea conditions. 
  • M.C. 200 (all modifications) - A bug has been fixed that led to incorrect readings of the tachometer (engine speed) in the cockpit.
  • The content of the huge daily reward trophy has been changed: Universal doubles in sets of 3, 5 and 10 units; Silver Lions in the amounts of 50,000 and 100,000; premium vehicles have been added: Cromwell V (RP-3), Chi-Nu II, M4 Hybrid, B1 ter, IAR-81C, Yak-3 (France), 165 ft PC-466 Carmi, Pr. 1204; whilst equipment rental and gold wagers have been removed.
  • Statistics for Arcade squadron battles have been hidden on all tabs in the squadron menu.

The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.