War Thunder background
Update 30.12.2020 (
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  • Available vehicles in crew slots can once again be switched using keyboard arrows (report).
  • A bug has been fixed with the final statistics in a previous battle that ended in a nuclear explosion sometimes  being displayed in a tank battle (report).
  • A bug has been fixed where it was impossible to open the menu in battle when opening statistics from the artillery strike window.
  • A bug in the workshop where the list of item sets might display beyond the length of the window has been fixed.
  • A bug which could lead to it being  impossible to use recipes in the workshop with a gamepad has been fixed.
  • The exchange of items in the "Hot Tracks" trophy has been made available in console workshops.


  • An original sound event has been added for flames on a player aircraft (previously, the same sound was used for flames on both a player and allied/enemy aircraft).
  • The sound of a shell hit on armour has been added to register hits of shells on a player's and allied/enemy vehicles.
  • A more powerful powder charge sound for player's ground vehicle guns with a calibre of more than 57 mm has been added.

Tank football

  • Lighting of the football arena has been improved, spotlights have been added.
  • In gamepad control, jump [L1] and dash [R2] are now assigned to different keys.
  • The jump and accelerate icons now display hints according to the assigned keys.
  • Bugs with tanks getting stuck in the goal net and in the arena walls near the gate have been fixed

Battle Pass

  • In the Battle Pass window, information about combat missions has been moved to a separate block.
  • The end of a day has been changed to a time before the update of combat missions.
  • A button for switching to combat missions from the battle pass window has been added.
  • Added a link to Battle Pass information in the Battle Pass window
  • In the "Season Strike" challenge, the list of required unlocks is now displayed with a tag regarding their completion.
  • A bug has been fixed where the "Coalition" challenge was not displaying completed challenge stages correctly.

Graphics and physics

  • A bug has been fixed where tank tracks might curve incorrectly and could be displayed inside wheels when driving on uneven surfaces.
  • Flickering of objects in the environment, sometimes occurring when first switching view in the gunner's sight, has been fixed.
  • A rare crash of the game client due to GPU objects has been fixed.
  • A game crash on Intel HD Graphics 530 when launched in full screen mode has been fixed.

Flight Model changes:

  • F-84F (all modifications): the weight of the fuel and the empty weight of the aircraft have been fixed.

The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.