War Thunder background
Update 03.04.2020 ( / (Xbox
Attention! Outdated news format. Content may not display correctly.
  • A bug that might cause the sight to twitch in ground vehicles has been fixed.
  • A bug where the option “Invert the vertical axis” didn’t work in the “Space Thunder” event has been fixed.
  • A bug with the maximum distance in cockpit view mode has been fixed.
  • F4 Phantom II (all modifications) — A bug causing the incorrect  display of the suspended cannon container mass has been fixed. 
  • Ki-200 — A bug causing there to be no additional camouflage has been fixed. 


  • Engine volume balance for player-controlled ground vehicles has been slightly adjusted. 
  • Object 279 has received a sound package which is more appropriate to its type of engine (16 cylinder diesel engine).
  • The volume of the sounds resulting from hits to allied/enemy ground vehicles from medium and large calibre shells has been changed.


  • We have disabled targeted messages to other players in battle chat (battle chat is designed for teamplay) but the ability to communicate privately is still possible in the normal manner.

The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.