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Israeli Aviation Beta-Testing begins in the upcoming update!
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The history of the Israeli Air Force begins literally in the first days of the state's independence. The aviation of the young state of Israel was extremely diverse, and at the very beginning of its history, the Israeli Air Force was based not so much on the technical superiority of aircraft as on rich military experience and high morale of its pilots and mechanics - both Israelis and foreign volunteers. Czechoslovakian Messerschmitts with Jumo engines and domestically assembled Spitfires were the first planes to rise to defend Israel's skies from neighbors' aggression. After the end of the War of Independence, the structure and equipment of the Israeli Air Force continued to strengthen. In the early 1950s, the first jet aircraft appeared - the Meteor fighters received from the UK. A little later, the French Mirage III fighters were put into service - this aircraft design is a landmark for the Israeli Air Force, being a predecessor for the domestic Nesher and Kfir fighters. In 1967, at the beginning of the Six-Day War, Israeli aviation carried out a brilliant operation, during which hundreds of enemy aircraft were destroyed, mainly at airfields. After this triumph, the Israeli Air Force began to receive aircraft from the United States, and also launched a full-scale production of aviation and weapons in the country. At the moment, the Israel Air Force is one of the most combat-ready and technically equipped air armies of the world.

Testing of the new gaming nation Israel begins in the next major update, which we have named “Winged Lions”.


Israeli military equipment as part of a separate research tree begins with aviation. Since the Israeli Air Force was formed after the end of World War II, the study of Israeli aircraft begins not with “reserves,” but immediately from rank IV.


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Aviation of Israel mainly consists of imported aircraft, but with a local scent. Here you will meet old friends - American Mustangs and Skyhawks, British Spitfires and Meteors, French Vautours, Mysteres and Mirages, assembled and modernized by Israeli engineers for the needs of the Israeli Air Force. There are also completely unique aircraft and, most interestingly, unique weapons: effective rockets with a shape-charge warhead, new for the game calibers of aircraft bombs, air-to-air missiles and even guided bombs!


All owners of early access packs will be able to take part in the closed testing of the Israeli aviation immediately after the “Winged Lions” update is live. Terms of access for all other players will be published later. After the end of closed testing, to start researching the Israeli Air Force aviation, the player will need at least one purchased aircraft of rank IV in any of the following playable nations: USA, Great Britain, France or Israel.

Become the first testers of the new playable nation in War Thunder! Testing will begin for owners of the early access kits with the release of the Winged Lions update. Good luck to all of us! Mazel tov!

Ezer Weizman's Spitfire Pack
Ezer Weizman's Spitfire Pack
The Kit Includes:
  • Spitfire LF.Mk.IXe (Premium, Rank IV, Israel)
  • 1000 Golden Eagles
  • Premium account for 7 days
  • Access to the Israeli Air Forces CBT
A-4E IAF Pack
A-4E IAF Pack
The Kit Includes:
  • A-4E; (Premium, Rank VI, Israel)
  • 2000 Golden Eagles;
  • Premium account for 15 days.
  • Access to the Israeli Air Forces CBT
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