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Bastille Day
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Bastille Day is the name commonly given to the French National Day, or in French - “ Fête Nationale”. Bastille Day, as the name suggests, commemorates the storming of the Bastille Prison in Paris, a symbol of the absolute power of Louis XVI, which took place on the 14th of July, 1789.

Flyover of French aircraft as part of
the Bastille Day's military parade

The prison was a place where the King kept political prisoners, as well as many commoners, as the King had the power to arrest an innocent man without a reason or even a trial, let alone a fair one.

In the 1700’s, the prison gained a reputation as a symbol of the aristocracy's tyranny and oppression against the 'common' people.

Although the Bastille only held 7 prisoners at the time of its collapse, it was seen as a victory of the people over the king, and was regarded as the beginning of the French Revolution. Bastille Day became an official national holiday in 1880.

Bastille Day is first celebrated in most cities in the night of 13th July, where the people make a re-enactment of the storming of Bastille Prison, or in French, "Retraite aux flambeaux", walking down the street with candle lanterns called “lampions”.

Bastille Day fireworks in Paris

On the 14th, the largest and oldest military parade is all Europe is held, on the Champs-Élysées avenue in Paris in front of the President of the Republic, French officials and important foreign guests. The troops salute the President, symbolising the beginning of the French Republic. The parade also incorporates musical performances, including a rendition of the French national anthem, “La Marseillaise”. The day also recognises an aviation 'show' from the FR military force 'La Patrouille de France", The official ceremony ends with a spectacular fireworks show behind the Eiffel tower.

A salute to our friends in France. Bonne fête du 14 juillet!

The War Thunder Team

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