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Winter Extreme: USS Mississippi

USS Mississippi is a New Mexico-class Battleship built at the end of WWI to continue the American ‘standard battleship’ design philosophy. You’ll soon be able to obtain this unique ship by taking part in the Winter Extreme event!

USS Mississippi (BB-41): An Event Vehicle Battleship for the USA at Rank VI


  • Numerous 14’’ primary guns.
  • Excellent protection.
  • Powerful anti-air arsenal.
  • Mediocre mobility.
Vehicle History

USS Mississippi was laid down as the second of three New Mexico-class battleships approved for construction by the U.S. Congress in June 1914. Representing a continuation of the American ‘standard battleship’ design, USS Mississippi was laid down in April 1915 and officially joined the ranks of the U.S. Navy in December 1917. Although not taking part in The Great War, USS Mississippi participated in some major operations during WWII. Most notably, the warship made its mark in history by taking part in late war operations in the Pacific theater such as the Marshall Islands and Philippines campaigns as well as the ensuing Battle of Leyte Gulf. After the war, USS Mississippi took up new roles by being first converted into a gunnery training ship and later on serving as a test platform for advanced missile systems. USS Mississippi was decommissioned and sold for scrap in late 1956.


Meet USS Mississippi (BB-41)!

USS Mississippi will soon be joining the top ranks of the American naval tree as one of its newest and most capable battleships which you’ll be able to obtain by taking part in the Winter Extreme event. Keen to find out more about this powerful new ironclad? Then join us as we explore the details below!

Being a New Mexico-class battleship, which in itself largely represents a repeat of the Pennsylvania-class already familiar to the game, the USS Mississippi nevertheless brings in some handy improvements over its predecessor which, if you’re a seasoned battleship player, are sure to appreciate! For instance, while USS Mississippi retains the same primary gun battery of 12 x 14’’ cannons and an almost identical armor layout as the USS Arizona, the former foes feature a bolstered secondary battery with up to 16 x 5’’ cannons in single turrets.

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Furthermore, the anti-aircraft armament found on USS Mississippi corresponds to a late war refit which saw a substantial upgrade in this aspect. As a result, this ship has access to a total of 48 x 40mm and 34 x 20mm autocannons in quadruple and twin mounts, respectively. While this translates into a formidable AA shield, you’ll have a significantly more difficult time performing successful bombing and torpedo runs on the USS Mississippi.

Interesting: After the end of WWII, USS Mississippi took on different roles including gunnery training and being used as a weapons test platform. As such, her arsenal also varied over time, ranging from semi-automatic 6’’ turrets to even surface-to-air missiles!

While the USS Mississippi features superior firepower and protection, like most of her heavyweight relatives in the U.S. naval tree, this warship cannot boast about its mobility. Despite the fact that USS Mississippi features an improved turbo-electric propulsion system, generating slightly more power output compared to USS Arizona, both warships maintain the same level of mobility with a top speed of 21 kts (39 km/h).


As a result, quickly evading incoming enemy fire or torpedoes may present itself as a challenge while using the USS Mississippi. Equally, it may be difficult to change positions with USS Mississippi, resulting in a need for careful planning of combat maneuvers right at the start of a match. Either way, USS Mississippi will form the core of a team’s striking force, being capable of delivering a high destructive potential to the enemy ranks while also managing to hold its own in an intense firefight!

All in all, USS Mississippi represents an excellent reinforcement to the American top rank battleship lineup and is a worthy prize for those of you who are going the full nine yards in this year’s winter event, Winter Extreme. Happy hunting and calm seas!

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