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Thunder Show: Airstrike Hazard

Hi! Welcome to Thunder Show and the best moments of the past week! Today’s set of moments provides some conclusive evidence that you must be ready for anything in combat, be it a sudden trick from your enemy or an unforeseen change of plans. Let’s get started!

So, what do you do if something incredible happens in your battle that deserves to appear in Thunder Show?

  1. While in the game, go to “Community > Replays” and find the replay.
  2. Press the “Rename” button and give it a memorable name.
  3. Open the Replays folder in the game folder: search for the file with the name you have just given it.
  4. Attach the file to an email and send it to [email protected].
  5. Also, do not forget to mention in the email:
  • The exact time of the moment you want to share
  • Your in-game nickname
  • Email address used to register your account

If you want to, you can give some details: about what happened to make this moment so good.

That’s all. We are looking forward to your replays! And, as always, we award Golden eagles to the authors of the best moments.

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