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Rankings Challenge

Rankings Challenge is a regular competition in which everyone is welcome to participate, whether solo or with friends on an equal footing, using pre-set vehicles. Victories in these battles will raise your rating (you can read here about how ratings are calculated), and the higher your rating, the better the prizes you’ll receive!

During the season of Rankings Challenge the players will be able to participate in several events, divided by type: for example, “Aircraft 1v1”, “Ground vehicles 2v2” or “Mixed 5v5”. During the season there might be numerous competitions of one type: for example, once a week the new “Ground vehicles 2v2” events will be available. Thus the players will be earning the rating both for each competition individually, as well as for the leaderboard of each competition type. Therefore, the prizes will be awarded for both the entire season and separate competitions.

In Rankings Challenge, each participant will receive a preset collection of upgraded vehicles and an experienced crew that will allow the players to prove who’s stronger on an equal footing. Parity will also be enforced by the same limit of battles per day for each player, a realistic battle mode with markers, and small difference margin of battle rating of your competitors that you’ll be able to meet in the battles.

Rankings Challenge will be open three times a day so that the players from different time zones will be able to pick a comfortable time. Before the matches which results will be entered into the leaderboards, the players will be able to participate in practice battles. They are completely identical to the competitive matches and will allow the players to test out the vehicles before important battles. The timetables for practice and rating matches will be available at the webpage of each competition.

A single competition will usually take place over 2 or 3 days. However, each following day of the competition the players may be offered vehicles of a different country, and each following week, the vehicles’ rank may be changed.

To view the rating battle cards, click the corresponding button in the main menu, then pick any competition available at the moment or press “Participate” to sign up for future matches.

Testing the Rankings Challenge

From September 6th till September 10th join the testing of the Rankings Challenge. In this test mode four competitions will be available — two for each competition type: “Aircraft 1v1” and “Ground vehicles 2v2”. Squads can participate in the 2v2 battles, with the squad’s rating being determined by the highest rating of two players.

The number of matches that will take place simultaneously will be limited. As such, in case of a large number of participants, waiting in queues may occur.

Wings of Prey 1 (Rank II)

From September 6th until September 8th.

  • Day 1: Bf 109F-1 (Germany)
  • Day 2: Yak-1B (USSR)

Wings of Prey 2 (Rank IV)

From September 8th until September 10th.

  • Day 1: Spitfire F Mk.XIVe (Britain)
  • Day 2: P-51D-30 (USA)

Shoulder to Shoulder 1 (Rank IV)

From September 6th until September 8th.

  • Day 1: Char 25t (France)
  • Day 2: T-44 (USSR)

Shoulder to Shoulder 2 (Rank VI)

From September 8th until September 10th.

  • Day 1: XM-803 (USA)
  • Day 2: Type 74 (E) (Japan)

Aircraft battles will take place on the “Gladiators” mission which many virtual pilots should be familiar with, and will consist of several rounds. Ground vehicles will compete on the following missions: [Conquest 4] Advance to the Rhine, [Conquest 2] Sinai or [Conquest 1] Normandy with 3 respawns per player.


Sport camouflages, vehicles with unique camouflages, player icons, decals, and titles — all of these awards will be available in the future seasons of Rankings Challenge. For our test run we’ve prepared trophies and a title!

  • For 10 victories in each competition the players will receive a special trophy containing one of the following items:
    • RP booster for 50% for 5 battles.
    • SL booster for 50% for 5 battles.
    • Wager set.
    • Orders set.
  • Players who place 1 through 100 in the leaderboards of “Wings of Prey (test season)” will receive the “Gladiators” decal, while players who place 1 through 1000 will receive the “Rankings Challenge tester” title.
  • Players who place 1 through 100 in the leaderboards of “Shoulder to Shoulder (test season)” will receive the “Steel Legion” decal, while players who place 1 through 1000 will receive the “Rankings Challenge tester” title.

Further plans

We plan to regularly hold new seasons of Rankings Challenge with a duration of a month or more for all types of vehicles and all nations in War Thunder. Apart from the listed formats in the future there may be “Special”, like races or free deathmatch modes.

Some competitions of the Rankings Challenge may become qualifications for larger competitions based on the existing tournament service. Such competitions will likely be held mid-seasons with streams and activities for the viewers.

Participants of the competitions, please leave your feedback in the special topic on the forum!

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