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New authentic decals (available until September 15th)

We’re pleased to present to you a new set of rare decals for your vehicles! As usual, the decals are quite varied in styles and themes: we’ve got stylish graffiti in Hebrew, a weird Canadian palm tree, and among the typical animal-themed emblems we have not only got a menacing realistic tiger, but also a seahorse and a cute Spanish parrot. There’s something for everyone, whether you prefer ships, tanks, or aircraft!

Earn new decals for all nations in battles or purchase them for Golden Eagles until September 15th!

"Seahorse" emblem of the 3./BoFlGr 196, Luftwaffe

Defeat 40 players in ground vehicles (20 in RB and SB) while controlling German aircraft, or purchase for 200 GE.

Emblem of No. 111 Squadron RAF

Defeat 15 players with air-to-air missiles (8 in RB and SB) while controlling British aircraft, or purchase for 200 GE.

Emblem of Destroyer Squadron 2, US Navy

Deal 50000 damage while controlling the American fleet, or purchase for 200 GE.

Emblem of the 32nd Armored Brigade "Mameli" of the Italian Army

Score 2,000 points in 5 battles while controlling Italian ground vehicles, or purchase for 200 GE.

You can find these decals in the “Weeks latest” section in the customization tab, after which they will be available to their owners in the thematic sections of vehicle customization.

  • Tasks can be completed in vehicles of rank II-VII.
  • The requirements for the decals may be checked in the “Weeks latest” section in vehicle customization or in the Achievements → Decals → Weeks latest.
  • Tasks can be completed in random battles and events, except “Enduring Confrontation” and “Assault” missions.
  • Decals received earlier have been temporarily moved to the section “Weeks latest” and will be moved later to the thematic sections.
"ABIR" (Knight) emblem of the Israel Defense Forces

Defeat 40 players (20 in RB and SB) while controlling Israeli ground vehicles, or purchase for 200 GE.

"Fox Head" emblem, SPA 84 Squadron, FAF

Defeat 40 players in aircraft (20 in RB and SB) while controlling French aircraft, or purchase for 200 GE.

"Tiger" personal emblem, 104th GvIAP, USSR, 1943

Score 1st-3rd place in 7 battles while controlling USSR aircraft, or purchase for 200 GE.

Emblem of 10th battalion of 6th tank division, Japan

Score 2,000 points in 5 battles while controlling Japanese ground vehicles, or purchase for 200 GE.

Emblem of 23rd Fighter/Strike Training Wing, Spanish Air Force

Score 1st-3rd place in 5 battles while controlling aircraft or purchase for 200 GE.

"Palm" emblem, Royal Canadian regiment battle group, Afghanistan, 2007

Score 1st-3rd place in 5 battles while controlling ground vehicles or purchase for 200 GE.

Some of the decals were created by Colin 'Fenris' Muir, Jej 'CharlieFoxtrot' Ortiz, Ricardo "BlueBeta" Lo Verso and Branislav 'InkaL' Mirkov.

Previous decals - have been moved to their respective sections:

  • Emblem "Forget it" of the 66th Armor Regiment 2nd Armored Division → USA (tanks).
  • Emblem of the 21st Panzer Brigade "Lipperland" of Bundeswehr → Germany (tanks).
  • Emblem of the 119th engineer tank Yelninsky regiment → USSR (tanks).
  • Emblem of the 1st Mine Countermeasures Squadron (MCM1), Royal Navy → Britain (fleet).
  • 4th Sentai 2nd Chutai Tail Marking → Japan.
  • "Ace of Clubs" emblem, 153 Gruppo → Italy.
  • Emblem of the 345th autonomous tank company → France (tanks).
  • "Sky Wolf" emblem of the Special Forces of the Xinjiang Military Region → China (tanks).
  • "Eagle" emblem of the No. 8 Squadron, Indian Air Force → Neutral countries.
  • "Buffalo" emblem of the F1 Wing → Sweden.
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