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Napalm comes to War Thunder!

In the Danger Zone update we are going to introduce a new type of weapon - incendiary air bombs! Details about napalm and its damage - inside!

Napalm appeared in the USA in 1942, it is a mixture of fuel (usually gasoline) with gelling agents of various compositions that increase the burning time and temperature, and also endow the mixture with the ability to stick to various surfaces, including wet ones. The first military use of incidiary bombs was registered in 1944 on the territory of France liberated by the Americans.

In our game, incendiary mixtures will be a new type of weapon that will be available for high rank aviation. In the Danger Zone update, some types of American and Soviet-made incendiary bombs for the American, German, Soviet, Israeli and Chinese aircraft will appear in the game. In the future, we will add new types of incendiary bombs for aviation of different gaming nations.


So how does napalm work in War Thunder? Incendiary bombs can be mounted on the aircraft in the weapon menu after researching a corresponding modification. As a rule, napalm can be taken along with other types of armament. Dropping incendiary bombs is exactly the same as dropping a conventional high-explosive bomb. If the aircraft is equipped with a ballistic bomb calculator, you will also see the drop point in RB and SB. Upon impact, an incendiary mixture is spilled over an area and ignited. The burning mixture sticks to the surfaces in the location, including wet mud, puddles even water surfaces. Napalm deals damage to open-top armored vehicles, affecting the crew members. Light armored vehicles and tires of wheeled vehicles are burned as if they were on fire, i.e. a vehicle receives some damage every second. The damage to ships and boats when napalm spills on the deck is also similar to the damage from a fire. Aircraft hit by an incendiary mixture on the ground are destroyed almost immediately.

The ignited mixture continues to burn for some time, charring trees and grass. If the open-top or wheeled vehicles drive into the area during a fire, they receive damage similar to fire damage.


Napalm has many interesting tactical applications in battles. For example, you can protect a point captured by your team from being captured by enemy scouts. You can spill campers in bushes and thickets. You can pour napalm in one of the directions of movement of the enemy team in order to damage light vehicles or even temporarily block this passage through the location for them. In air battles, incendiary mixtures are very handy for destruction of AI convoys.

Check out the full list of aircraft with incendiary bombs in the changelog for the upcoming Danger Zone update. It is almost done. We'll fire it up soon!

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