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It’s fixed! №8

In this digest we would like to tell you about our continuing work on improvements and fixes in the game. You can find information about all updates that have been released in War Thunder on the website special section.

Driver skills improved

In our previous release we reported the improvement of turns and pivot control of the War Thunder ground vehicles. Though this improvement was warmly appreciated by the community, you have pointed out odd vehicle behavior on steep slopes. 

When moving down a hill, the driver might forget to switch to a higher gear, making a vehicle slower than it could be moving. At the same time, while climbing up a slope, the driver might switch between gears 1 and 3.

These issues are solved now. A driver selects a proper gear ratio, depending on the circumstances. Go up better and down faster!

Client crash fix

Immediately after the “Red Skies” update, we rolled out several important fixes to prevent a game crash. The key one was related to the function of downloading additional content only from your hangar. Your bug reports helped greatly to make it happen as fast as possible.

The Gaijin Dev team would like to thank all the players who inform us about such issues. Thank you all!

Ship damage

This issue didn’t last long, but affected damage for War Thunder fleets from HE rounds. The durability of certain hull materials was mistakenly set too high for shrapnel and blast wave damage. This issue was especially noticeable in boat battles, but also affected the bluewater ships, making fuel tanks very durable against shrapnel. 

Well, you’d better be afraid HE rounds again, since this issue is happily solved!.

ATGM fix

When the “Red Skies” update went live, we got numerous reports concerning the odd trajectories of the anti-tank guided missiles. Obviously, they were not supposed to fly like that!

We’ve fixed that rather fast, but we’re not sure all the players got the good news in time. The Snail reports: ATGM launch issue is fixed, once and for all!

Overpressure damage

For some time our overpressure damage mechanics were nuts! Can you imagine - when sitting near an ally, who is getting HE damage, you may also receive overpressure damage, which totally ignores your armour! 

A tank without armour is nonsense, do you agree? So do we. We fixed this naughty bug in a day after the reporting.

The changes you feel

This release is mostly retrospective, since we decided not to tie down improvements that need to be released as soon as possible. However, we still have a good list of changes, released to the game to make your game experience better, a big list of individual fixes for vehicles that will definitely improve your gaming experience.

Open the full changelog

Once again, many thanks for all your bug reports that you submitted in our bug report section on the War Thunder forums.


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