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Bf 110C-6: The Devourer of Ground Units
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Bf 110C-6, heavy fighter, Germany. Rank II.


  • Effective against ground vehicles
  • Great survivability


  • Cannon ammo capacity 60 rounds
  • Slow speed

The Bf 110C-6 is a twin-engine heavy attack aircraft developed according to a special programme whose objective was to outfit the Bf 110 fighters with a heavy cannon armament. This modification came into existence in the spring of 1939. The aircraft was designed to be equipped with a 30mm MK 101 cannon, while its standard-issue 20mm cannons were dismantled for the purposes of reducing the weight and increasing fuselage space. A series of issues concerning the manufacturing of the MK 101 cannons led to the postponement of the project, but in the summer of 1940, the German government placed an order to assemble a test batch consisting of 12 C-6 aircraft. All the fighters in this batch were deployed in the Battle of France as anti-tank aircraft, as well as in the Battle of Britain to combat enemy ships and destroy enemy radars.


Our players will mainly appreciate the Bf 110 series for their versatile combat characteristics and high survivability. It’s no secret that this twin-engine series has all kinds of models, including bombers, attackers and pure fighter aircraft. The Bf 110C-6s, too, have their own niche on the battlefield – they are excellent at disposing of tanks and are greatly recommended for combined battles. The aircraft has a low BR, which allows players to team up nicely with series 3 and 4 Panzers, Pumas and early SPGs. Its 30mm cannon can fire armour-piercing shells and eliminate any target on the battlefield should it land a clean hit on the turret roof, the engine compartment or even one of the sides. The ammunition complement of the attack aircraft’s primary armament consists of 60 rounds. This may seem like not a lot at first glance, but it’s not exactly scant either, especially considering the destructive power of those 30mm rounds when fired at the tanks’ most vulnerable spots. The size of a cannon meant that the standard-issue 20mm MG FFs had to be dismantled – but at least the fighter got to keep its machine-gun battery located in its nose. Unlike the Hs 129 attackers, the Bf 110 doesn’t have any problems with its survivability. It can easily hightail it out of the battlefield with just one engine and a fuselage covered in gaping breaches. The aircraft’s speed, on the other hand, is rather slow, as you’d expect it to be. However, being fast isn’t all that important when it comes to taking out ground vehicles.

The Bf 110C-6 is one of the prizes in Operation H.E.A.T.  for pilots. It’s an extremely interesting aircraft to use in lower rank battles, and it’s very easy to get – it’s well worth it!

The War Thunder Team


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