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How can you get premium vehicles? Warbonds!
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We present to you an assortment of Warbond shop items for April. Fulfill Battle Tasks, earn warbonds, improve your shop level and unlock rewards!

The first time you can get the premium I-16 type 28 aircraft and new vehicle coupons  from the trophy “Vehicles” III for Warbonds.

Battle Tasks will be available to you after reaching and purchasing a 3rd rank vehicle in any nation in-game. You can read more about Warbonds and Battle Tasks in the War Thunder wiki.

This assortment will be available until the 30th of April!

A couple of interesting vehicles included this time are:

I-16 type 28

For the first time ever in the War Bonds store, you have the opportunity to use bonds to redeem the Soviet I-16 type 28 modification! This small and agile aircraft packs a lethal punch with its 20mm ShVAK cannons, allowing you to always have the upper hand in dogfights and intense aerial clashes. What the I-16 lacks in overall speed, it more than makes up for in other departments. As one of the pioneering monoplane fighters in-game, the I-16 makes a formidable Rank II aircraft, also having the option of rockets and bombs for ground attacks. Don't miss this opportunity to add this exceptional Soviet aircraft to your Hangar!


H8K3 - The mighty Japanese Empire's Sea Dragon rises! This improved version of the H8K2 includes a number of upgrades to the airframe that improve the aerodynamics of the aircraft, such as its retractable floats that are incorporated into the wing structure whilst in flight. This impressive Rank II Premium can carry a range of payloads into battle, including an impressive 2 x 800 kg bomb load or 2 x Type 91 Mod 2 Torpedoes that make it invaluable for anti-maritime work. Fans of Japanese aviation and flying boats will not want to miss the opportunity to grab this unique aircraft.

Detailed list of the Warbond items in the shop this month:

🔸 Premium vehicles

  • Boomerang Mk.II
  • Pz.III N
  • IAR-81C
  • H8K3
  • M4A5
  • I-16 type 28

🔸 "Tiger Wagon" emblem, 129th Assault Helicopter Company, An Son, Vietnam, 1971. Decal by Colin 'Fenris' Muir

🔸 Battle trophy (vehicle test drive): AMX-13 (SS.11), Leopard A1A1 (L/44), T54E1, Т-34-100.

🔸 Supply box with boosters for 50%,150%, 300%, 500%, 700% RP and SL for one battle.

🔸 3d decorations (camouflage).

🔸 3d decorations (other).

🔸 "Order” trophy.

🔸 Trophies “Avatar for tankers”.

🔸 Trophy “Vehicles”III: LVT(A)(4) ZIS-2, He 51B-2/H, Т-26E, A13 Mk.II 1939, CR.32 bis.

🔸 Sets of universal back-up vehicles. A player can activate this item to backup any one vehicle of their choice.

"Tiger Wagon" emblem, 129th Assault Helicopter Company, An Son, Vietnam, 1971, Decal by Colin 'Fenris' Muir

Enjoy the new items available and see you on the battlefield!

Where can you find Warbonds??

Click on the 'Daily Tasks' icon from the War Thunder in-game hangar.



On the menu that opens, click on the 'Warbond Shop' icon in the bottom right corner.



You can now view the range of Warbonds available by clicking on on the various icons.
Purchases can be made with the 'Purchase' icon in the bottom right corner.


Battle tasks: These individual tasks bring variety to your gameplay and prevent situations where all the players in a battle try to complete one specific task, effectively ignoring mission objectives that are needed for a victory. They are available for players that have reached the 3rd rank of any nation. On completion, players will receive Silver Lions, and Warbonds - a special in-game currency with their own specific shop, where you can purchase many different items.

You can read more about battle tasks and war bonds in our devblog and on War Thunder wiki.

The War Thunder Team

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