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Operation "S.U.M.M.E.R." Calendar
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UPDATE 01/08/2016

Fellow pilots and tankers, we have received new orders from HQ:

  • The requirements of many tasks for receiving Marks of Distinction in “Operation S.U.M.M.E.R.” have been lowered for this week (from July 25th to July 31st).
  • The price for Marks of Distinction for tankers and pilots has also been lowered in the Item Shop - 299 instead of 599 ​.

    During this week, players who bought the Marks of Distinction for the old price will receive the difference between the old price and the new one in golden eagles.

Terms and Conditions:

  • Tasks are changed every day at 11:00 GMT. Weekend tasks are changed on Monday at the same time.
  • The special is divided for pilots and tankers, a player may complete both ground and air tasks to get all the rewards.
  • All respective vehicles of ranks III to V can be used for the completion of the tasks.
  • Skipped tasks may be purchased in the item shop from the day they appear.
  • Tasks may be changed at the discretion of the administration.

Click on the day in the calendar to see more on how to perform a task:


Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday-Sunday



Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday-Sunday

Task list:

Pilot tasks
(while flying rank III to V aircraft)

Tanker tasks
(while driving rank III to V ground vehicles)

From 22nd to 24th of July
  • Destroy 50 ground AI controlled targets in the "War in mid-air" event.
  • Destroy 25 player controlled aircraft in random battles (х2 for RB, x3 for SB).
  • Gain "Supporting Fire" award in random battles 10 times
  • "Gain "Fighter rescuer" or "Bomber rescuer" achievement 10 times in random battles".
  • Destroy 30 aircraft in the “War in mid air” event.
  • Take first place on the leader board of a random battle 3 times.
  • Receive the achievement “Teamwork” 20 times in random battles.
  • Destroy 40 tanks in random battles. (x2 for RB and SB).
25th of July
  • Gain 4 victories in random battles with 50% activity. 
  • Capture the cap point 4 times in random battles.
26th of July
  • Gain "Teamwork" award in random battles 3 times.
  • Set enemy tanks on fire 15 times in random battles. (x2 for RB and SB)
27th of July
  • Destroy 8 enemy aircraft while controlling any of the gunners.
  • Get achievement “Supporting Fire” 5 times in random battles by being in a squad. You can only get a single achievement in one battle..
28th of July
  • Achieve 1 serie of 3 destroyed enemy aircraft without losing your vehicle in random battles.
  • Destroy 12 enemy tanks using a medium tank in random battles. (x2 for RB and SB)
29th of July
  • Destroy 10 enemy fighters in random battles (х2 for RB, х3 for SB) 
  • Achieve 1 serie of 3 destroyed enemy tanks without losing your vehicle in random battles.
From 30th tо 31st of July
  • ​Gain 10 victories in "Floats" event.
  • Destroy 8 enemy controlled vehicles with rockets (х2 for RB and SB).
  • Gain "Teamwork" award in random battles 5 times.
  • Be on the first place at the end of the battle in random battles twice.
  • Win 15 times in the event “Rapid fire”.
  • Receive the achievement “Teamwork” 10 times in random battles.
  • Destroy 40 tanks in random battles. (x2 for RB and SB).
  • Take first place on the leader board of a random battle 2 times.

Pilot tasks
(while flying rank III to V aircraft)

Tanker tasks
(while driving rank III to V ground vehicles)

1st of August
  • Gain 4 assists in random battles. 
  • Destroy 3 tanks from a distance of 700 meters or more.
2nd of August
  • Destroy 6 enemy controlled vehicles with rockets (х2 for RB and SB).
  • Destroy 20 tanks in random battles (x2 for RB and SB).
3rd of August
  • Destroy 15 AI enemy ground vehicles in random battles (x2 for RB, x3 for SB)
  • Destroy 12 enemy ground vehicles while driving heavy tanks.
4th of August
  • Destroy 20 AI controlled ground targets in random battles (х2 for RB, х3 for SB)
  • Capture the cap point 4 times in random battles.
5th of August
  • Gain 4 victories in random battles with 60% activity. 
  • Gain 4 victories in random battles with 75% activity. 
From 6th to 7th of August
  • Gain 3 victories in a row (with battle activity 60%).
  • Destroy 25 enemy fighters in random battles (х2 for RB, x for SB).
  • Gain 6 assists in random battles. 
  • Gain "Teamwork" award in random battles 6 times.
  • Win 3 times in a row (with battle activity 70%).
  • Receive the achievement “Teamwork” 15 times in random battles.
  • Destroy 14 enemy tanks using a medium tank in random battles (x2 for RB and SB).
  • Capture the cap point 7 times in random battles.

Pilot tasks
(while flying rank III to V aircraft)

Tanker tasks
(while driving rank III to V ground vehicles)

8th of August
  • Destroy 20 enemy AI ground vehicles in random battles (x2 for RB, x3 for SB).
  • Take part in 8 battles with a minimum 75% activity.
9th of August
  • Destroy 15 AI controlled ground targets in random battles (х2 for RB, x3 for SB).
  • Destroy 15 enemy heavy  tanks in random battles (x2 for RB and SB).
10th of August
  • Gain "Fighter rescuer" or "Bomber rescuer" achievement 8 times in random battles. You can get only one achievement in one battle.
  • Set enemy tanks on fire 25 times in random battles. 
11th of August
  • Gain 4 assists in random battles. 
  • Get achievement “Supporting Fire” 10 times in random battles. You can get only one achievement in one battle.
12th of August
  • Gain 4 victories in random battles with 60% activity.
  • Destroy 7 enemies by setting them on fire in random battles. (x2 for RB and SB)
From 13th to 14th of August
  • Gain 3 victories in event "100".
  • Gain "Teamwork" award in random battles 6 times.
  • Be on the first place at the end of the battle in random battles twice.
  • Destroy 6 enemy aircraft by controlling gunners in random battles.
  • Win in 3 times in the event “100”.
  • Receive the achievement “Teamwork” 20 times in random battles.
  • Destroy 20 medium tanks in random battles (x2 for RB and SB).
  • Take first place in the leader board of a random battle 3 times.

Pilot tasks
(while flying rank III to V aircraft)

Tanker tasks
(while driving rank III to V ground vehicles)

15th of August
  • Destroy 20 player controlled aircraft in random battles (х2 for RB, х3 for SB)
  • Destroy 15 enemy tanks using a medium tank in random battles (x2 for RB and SB).
16th of August
  • Receive the achievement “Supporting Fire” 8 times in random battles.
  • Achieve 3 series of 3 destroyed enemy tanks without losing your vehicle in random battles.
17th of August
  • Achieve 2 series of 3 destroyed enemy aircraft without losing your vehicle in each run of 2 in random battles.
  • Receive the achievement “Teamwork” 12 times in random battles.
18th of August
  • Take part in 5 battles with a minimum 60% activity 
  • Destroy 4 tanks from a distance of 800 meters or more.
19th of August
  • Destroy 5 AI controlled ground targets in random battles (х2 for RB, х3 for SB).
  • Destroy 30 tanks in random battles. (x2 for RB and SB).
From 20th to 21st of August
  • Gain 8 victories in random battles with 60% activity. 
  • Destroy 8 enemy controlled vehicles with rockets (х2 for RB and SB).
  • Destroy 30 player controlled aircraft in random battles (х2 for RB, х3 for SB)
  • Gain "Teamwork" award in random battles 6 times.
  • Gain 8 victories in random battles with 75% activity. 
  • Receive the achievement “Teamwork” 20 times in random battles.
  • Destroy 25 heavy tanks in random battles (x2 for RB and SB).
  • Capture the cap point 7 times in random battles.


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