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KV-220 in military camouflage

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The KV-220 from testing ground “113” — a unique vehicle which is going through comprehensive testing and is not part of a series of prototypes. A further development of the heavy KV-1 Soviet tank, the KV-220 is superior to its predecessor in every way: the tank has thicker 100 mm frontal armour and a long barrelled F-30 85 mm gun; also, the engine is more powerful. The tank has passed the complete cycle of testing and is battle ready. It has been upgraded with all the necessary modifications which saves time in which the crew would take to bring it to an ideal operating condition and its premium status will seriously increase the income from battle.


Information, tactical and technical characteristics (AB/RB)
Get the 3D decoration "PPS-43" by the completion of tanker tasks
Country  USSR
Battle Rating  5.3/5.3
Rank  III
Hull armour
Turret armour
Maximum speed  36/34 km/h
Main gun penetration value at 500m  123 mm





The KV-220 in history

The KV-220 - a heavy experimental tank built on the chassis of a KV with reinforced armour and very powerful armament for its time. The considerably “buffed up” hull houses a new turret which was developed specially for the long barrelled F-30 85mm gun. In comparison to the early tanks of the KV series, this tank is much heavier, therefore its chassis was expanded with a larger wheel count. Armour on the front projection is 100 mm thick and, in order to counter the loss of maneuverability, instead of V-2K engine with 500 HP, a new four-stroke 12 cylinder V-5 prototype engine with 700 HP was installed. Later, this engine was changed to the V-2SN with 850 HP.

Only one KV-220 was built for testing in the process of development of the future KV-3 before the beginning of World War II, which prevented the program from completing. In the autumn of 1941, this tank, with a KV-1 turret was in combat at the front because of a serious lack of armoured vehicles in the USSR at the time. This heavy tank was almost invincible at the time and fought for couple of months before it was destroyed by a direct hit from a German 150mm howitzer sFH 18 in December of 1941.

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