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Boeing B-17E
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The Boeing B-17E ‘Flying Fortress’ was a four-engined heavy bomber favoured by the US Air Force. In March 1942, the Japanese Army managed to capture a B-17E, probably operated by 7th or 19th Bomb Group, in Yogyakarta on Java. This particular machine crash landed on an airfield in February 1942 and was abandoned by the crew. Soon after capturing the airfield, the Japanese Army managed to repair it and carried out test flights, later also using it to train their Sentais in proper tactics against such behemoth. An interesting feature is the tail marking, which is the insignia of the Air Technical Research Laboratory (Koku Gijutsu Kenkyujo) at Tachikawa, assigned to evaluate captured aircraft. shot 2014.09.11 21.35.21 shot 2014.09.11 21.48.45 shot 2014.09.11 21.36.49 shot 2014.09.11 21.52.08
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