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Pages of History: Tempest Mk.V
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"Reaching Newchurch airfield at 480 mph I held "RB" down to 20 ft from the runway and then pulled her up to a 60 ° climb holding it as the speed dropped slowly off and the altimeter needle spun round the dial as if it were mad. At 7000 ft the speed was dropping below 180 mph and I rolled the Tempest lazily inverted, then allowed the nose to drop until the horizon, at first above my head, disappeared below (or rather above) the now inverted nose, the fields and woods steadied into the centre of the windscreen and then whirled around as I put the stick hard over and rolled around the vertical dive. Steadying again I pulled out over the tree tops at 500 mph, throttled back and pulled hard over towards the airfield in an over-the-vertical climbing turn, lowering the wheels and flaps in a roll as the speed dropped. What a magnificent aeroplane! They could have all their Spitfires and Mustangs!"
("My part of the sky", Roland Beamont)

Have you got what it takes when flying this beautiful machine? Can you make this baby sing and dance? Tell us about your experiences in conquering the mighty ME262 in battle.

The War Thunder Video Tutorials are a series of video guides created to equip the Community with the means necessary to compete on the fierce battlefields of War Thunder. Featuring the crew of the Igromania gaming magazine, they offer a player-focused insight on the game's mechanics, playstyle guides as well as tips and tricks to those who want to master the game. Be sure to check them out and leave your feedback, comments and ideas for future episodes on our forums!

Find other episodes of this series on our YouTube channel.

The War Thunder Team

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