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Sunniest Screenshot
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Participate in "Sunniest screenshot in War Thunder" competition!
From 31st of March till 14th of April

The summer is coming! Sky and clouds in the War Thunder have been improved and familiar to many of our players so a competition for the “Sunniest Screenshot” will shine with new colours. It’s simple - you need to create a screenshot with landscape, battling and other moments in the game in the improved sunlight. The authors of the best creation will receive a decent reward.


 “Sunniest screenshot” from pilots

  • 1st Prize - 3 500 and D.521
  • 2nd Prize - 3 000 and D.521
  • 3rd Prize - 2 500
  • 4th Prize - 2 000
  • 5th Prize - 1 500
  • 6th Prize - 1 000
  • 7th Prize - 500

 ​“Sunniest screenshot” from tankers

  • 1st Prize - 3 500 and M3A1 (USMC)
  • 2nd Prize - 3 000 and M3A1 (USMC)
  • 3rd Prize - 2 500
  • 4th Prize - 2 000
  • 5th Prize - 1 500
  • 6th Prize - 1 000
  • 7th Prize - 500

Terms and conditions:

  • The screenshot must be created specially for this competition and published on Facebook or Twitter with hashtags #mostsunnyscreenshot and #warthunder.
  • The screenshot must be created in game or during the a replay after battle with the HUD (interface) hidden - “F12” button or “Z+Alt”.
  • The screenshot must be created at the highest possible quality. You can turn on maximum settings for graphics in the launcher.
  • A maximum of 3 screenshots per participant. In the case of excess submissions, only the first three submitted will be entered.
  • Your work should not violate moral, ethical and legal norms, as well as the forum and Game rules and EULA.
  • File format - “JPEG” (by default), turned on using the  flag for “JPEG images" in additional launcher settings.
  • The total number of winners will be determined by the War Thunder development and administration team.
  • The competition organizers reserve the right to change the terms of the competition at any time. 
  • You can upload a screenshot only from the account which was used to create the screenshot.
  • The winners will be announced during the week after the competition has been closed.
  • The resolution of screenshots must be at least 1280x1024, preferably 1920x1080.
  • The presence of War Thunder aircraft and ground vehicles is welcome.
  • Prize vehicles that are already owned will not be compensated.
  • Entries will be accepted until the 14th of April.

#MostSunnyScreenshot #warthunder

The War Thunder Team

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