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Air Duels: Corsair vs Hayate
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Ki-84 1280x1024 | 1920x1080 | 2560x1140 F4U 1280x1024 | 1920x1080 | 2560x1140

From 15.00 GMT on March 18th to 07.00 GMT on March 21st

Participate in the Duels event  (+20%  &  ) on the Hayate or Corsair and earn 'Supply Boxes'!

Dear Players!

Throughout the course of this weekend, two renown aircraft are clashing for fierce duels over the Pacific! Take over the helm of either of the two machines and show what you can do. The battlefield - Iwo Jima - rewards the bravest pilots with Supply Boxes containing valuable items and decals. Additionally, the rewards earned in the event are increased by 20% for both nations! 

F4U Corsair
Available Models: F4U-1a, F4U-1c. F4U-1d
The Chance-Vought F4U is one of the most important U.S. naval aircraft of the war. Fast, reliable, robust and able to carry bombs, it was a dreaded competition for the Japanese fighters.


Ki-84 Hayate
Available Models: Ki-84 ko, Ki-84 otsu, Ki-84 hei​
The Nakajima Ki-84 is among the most important late-war aircraft of the Japanese army aviation. Less maneuverable than the Zero, it features potent armament and convincing flight characteristics.


Join the Event: Iwo Jima
Reward Boost: +20%  and

Air Domination - Arcade Battles

Operation - Simulator & Realistic Battles
 -  While flying listed Hayate series aircraft, destroy a total of 30, 60, 100 U.S. aircraft and receive a 'Supply Box'!
 -  While flying listed Corsair series aircraft, destroy a total of 30, 60, 100 Japanese aircraft and receive a 'Supply Box'!

The following multipliers are active: RB x2, SB x2. All aircraft of the opposing nation count towards progress.
Attention: You can only progress in this special by participating in the event found in 'Events & Tournaments'.
Follow your progress in each of the three steps per nation under 'Profile', 'Achievements', 'Air Duels'.


The 'Supply Box' contains one of the following items:
  • Back-Ups for U.S. and Japanese aircraft of Ranks II - IV;
  • Random 10-75%  or   Booster;
  • Random personal discount on a U.S. or Japanese Premium aircraft (except 1.57 vehicles);
  • A set of three decals ("Jolly Roger" flag, "Red Eagle" emblem, "Pink Sakura" emblem).

You are guaranteed to receive the main prize  - a set of three decals - after completing 3 stages for any nation.

"Jolly Roger" Flag
"Red Eagle"
emblem of the 64th Sentai of the IJAA
"Pink Sakura" Emblem
personal victory marking of Tetsuzo Iwamoto​)

Good luck pilots - and we will see you in the skies!

The War Thunder Team

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