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Sky Duels by Ground Forces HQ: The end of the Zero
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From November 30th 11:00 GMT to December 2nd 11:00 GMT (from November 30th 03:00 PST to December 2nd 03:00 PST)

x5 experience for the first victory on every nation

15% special discount for XP conversion: USA, Japan

20% special discount for purchasing qualifications for the following aircraft:

F4U-1C, F4U-1d, F6F-3, P-38G, P-47D-28 or P-51D-20NA

A6M2, A6M3, A6M3 mod22, A6M5 or A6M5 ko


1. While flying F4U-1C, F4U-1d, F6F-3, P-38G, P-47D-28 or P-51D-20NA destroy 40/25/10 enemy aircraft in Arcade/History/Full-Real Battles respectively.

2. While flying A6M2, A6M3, A6M3 mod22, A6M5 or A6M5 ko destroy 40/25/10 enemy aircraft in Arcade/History/Full-Real Battles respectively.
3. While flying any USA aircraft destroy 50/30/7 enemy aircraft in Arcade/History/Full-Real Battles respectively.

4. While flying any Japanese aircraft destroy 50/30/7 enemy aircraft in Arcade/History/Full-Real Battles respectively.


You may earn up to 140 000 Silver Lions completing these achievements, and each of them will be counted as a 'Ground Forces HQ' mission, increasing your chances of being invited to the ground forces closed beta.

(You can check your progress in your game profile — 'Achievements' tab)


A carrier-based fighter, the A6M, developed by the Japanese company "Mitsubishi" , joined battle in 1940. "Zero" fighter was a really outstanding machine of it's time. Excellent maneuverability, impressive range of operation and powerful weapons left little chance for their opponents. The "Zero" gained it’s nickname after the last digit of the year 2600 by the Japanese calendar , the year of the first A6M’s combat sortie. After the attack on Pearl Harbor and the U.S. entry into World War II, the sky domination remained with the Japanese for a long time. Balance in the air battles only became equal in 1942, when U.S. military recovered after the shock of the first attacks and began to improve not only the material equipment of its branches, but also developing tactics to counter the A6M.


The year of 1942 was the beginning of the end for the legendary "Zero" . U.S. fighters quickly learned to use the weaknesses of the Japanese - a low-powered engine, which did not allow effective actions at high altitudes, as well as poor structural durability. Executioners of the "Zero" became the latest American aircraft the P- 38 Lightning ,the F6F Hellcat and the F4U Corsair . While experienced Japanese aces were still a serious threat to Allied aircraft, mass production of the new machines , new tactics and techniques in air combat, used by the American pilots, as well as the industrial crisis in Japan, doomed the aerial samurais. The end of the "Zero" had begun.

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