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Aircraft tournament 2 vs 2
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From the 12th of December (09.00 GMT) until the 15th of December (09.00 GMT)
take part in aircraft duels 2 vs 2 and receive premium vehicles and other prizes!

Duels in the same aircraft - one of the most difficult and prestigious elements of air combat. You can only rely on your wingman and your skill, commitment and concentration.
You will get the opportunity to win silver lions, and for every 5th win you will be able to open a tournament trophy with a chance to win a premium aircraft: the German P-47D Thunderbolt, the US Bf.109F-4 and Soviet B-25J-30 medium bomber!

For the tournament the following aircraft will be available: P-39N-0, Spitfire F.Mk IX, Yak-1B in Realistic and Simulator Battles. For Arcade Battles the J2M2 and Bf.109F4 will be added with free choice of vehicles.

Timetable for Realistic and Simulator Battles:

Aicraft P-39N-0 Spitfire F.Mk IX Yak-1B
Start 12th December, 09:00 GMT 13th December, 09:00 GMT 14th December, 09:00 GMT
End 13th December, 09:00 GMT 14th December, 09:00 GMT 14th December, 21:00 GMT

  • The matchmaker for the tournament will balance your opponents and allies based on your current rating. ; 
  • Tournament battle results do not count in other events or specials. 
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