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A Friend In Need
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Pilots and Tankers!

Do you know someone who could really use a new graphics card for his or hers PC? Someone you'd really like to see play War Thunder in all its graphical glory? Then you might want to head over to our official Facebook page and tag your buddy in the comments! Why?

Together with our partner ZOTAC we're giving away a brand-new NVIDIA GTX 960 4GB to the lucky guy or gal who's friends organized the most likes for his mention. Simply tag your friend (like @PaulSmith) in the comments together with the Hasthag #ZOTACE3, get your comment upvoted and prove to be the best friend a gamer could ask for! The user mentioned in the most liked comment will then win the (most likely desperately needed) new card for his or hers computer! If you think you're the most deserving for a new graphics card, then just find a friend who agrees with you and get him to tag you. Don't be shy! Tagging yourself, however, does not work.

The contest runs from today, the 14th of June, until the 21st of June, with the winner being announced on the 23rd of June.

It's your turn to help a fellow gamer in need! A good deed a day, remember?
Best of luck to all participants!

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