War Thunder background
Server update 22.06.2018
Attention! Outdated news format. Content may not display correctly.


Naval battles CBT :

  • Inconsistencies in the weapon naming has been fixed
  • Traverse speed of the MG and autocannon turrets has been increased
  • Researchable modifications have been updated
  • X-ray view bugs when some modules were not displayed have been fixed
  • Torpedoes propel mode modifications bugs have been fixed
  • Ammo rack detonation conditions and effects have been corrected: detonation and fire in ammo racks(naval magazines) means destruction for the smaller craft. As for destroyers and cruisers, fire means losing ammo and leads to a fire around the storage. If the magazine (ammo rack) is completely destroyed with kinetic damage or by shrapnel it will explode or catch fire.
  • Boat DM have been updated: they are more vulnerable to kinetic damage
  • Crew skill description has been fixed


The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.