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Live Q&A Session - Thursday 29th of May, from 16:00 to 18:00 GMT
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Thursday 29th of May, from 16:00 to 18:00 GMT

We are hosting a Q&A session with QuarterNinja, Scarper, Borisych, and the team Slava BVV_d Bulannikov - Senior game designer, Sergey "El Barca" Usik - FM test team leader, Kirill "Lassar" Vostretsov - Senior game designer). List is only provisional and at least one of developers will be with us, although we will try to bring all three of them.

Session will be held on our War Thunder TeamSpeak server.

You can ask your questions LIVE.

Channel Rules During Official Sessions

1. Q&A channel is muted and text chat is disabled.
2. Players will have ability to request talk power to ask question.
3. Ability to speak will be granted when it is your turn to ask question.
4. If you cannot speak you will be able to pass written question to one of our team members, question will then be passed to the team.
5. Do not PM the team member unless prompted.
6. One Question at a time please.
7. Do not use record functionality

Please follow the rules and enjoy session!

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