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“War Thunder 100K” Festival
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Dear players!

On May the 16th, over 100 000 concurrent players were playing War Thunder on PC and Mac. That’s a great indicator of the high appreciation for the game and we would like to thank our players for their loyalty and interest.


From May 24th 06:00 GMT to May 26th 06:00 GMT we are running the “War Thunder 100K” Festival. Numerous discounts and rewards for PC and Mac Players!


From 06:00 GMT May 24th to 06:00 GMT May 26th

Reward for Every 100th enemy kill - 100   *

-50% discount for purchase of a year’s premium account

15% discount for purchase of all rank III tanks (non premium)

25% discount for purchase of all rank IV tanks (non premium)

30% discount for purchase of all rank V tanks (non premium)


From 06:00 GMT May 25th to 06:00 GMT May 26th

Reward for the 10th victory - 100 000 


      *kills will be counted for aircraft and tanks separately. By killing 100 (Arcade) | 50 (Realistic) | 25 (Simulator) enemy players in aircraft you will earn 100 Golden Eagles up to a total of 500 Golden Eagles. By killing 100 (Arcade/Realistic/Simulator) enemy players in tanks you will earn up to 100 Golden Eagles up to a total of 500 Golden Eagles as well.  In total, you can so earn up to 1.000 Golden Eagles!

Join the War Thunder Festival and see you on the battlefield!


The War Thunder Team

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