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Update 1.43
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Dear players!


1.43 update is now available and we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the changes that will occur to War Thunder in the new update. Our game has been transformed - new tanks and aircraft, maps and new War Thunder features, which you have been requesting for a long time are waiting for you.


Among the most important changes are:


  • New air vehicles including the fabulous Ho 229 V-3, several other jet fighters and bombers, piston-engined fighters like the F7F Tigercat and the J7W1
  • New ground vehicles: the T-35 multi-turreted tank, multiple AA vehicles and more
  • New locations and maps: Mozdok, Norway, Poland and Tropical Island
  • Arcade ground battles rework
  • New hangar design
  • New environment and weapon sounds
  • Vehicle presets
  • Racing mode
  • New achievements and rewards
  • Possibility to view detailed armouring model and inner modules locations for the ground forces in hangar

Full list of changes in War Thunder 1.43

The War Thunder team

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