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Revenue Share - Player created aircraft skins to be added to War Thunder!
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Dear Players!

Earlier this month we announced the Revenue Share Partner System, allowing creative War Thunder players to earn real money and participate in the further and continuous development of the game. Today, we are very happy to announce the first player created aircraft skins that have been chosen to be added to War Thunder and we wish to thank and congratulate the authors involved. We are looking forward to see and add more player created content in the future!

The following skins will be added to War Thunder, with the authors receiving a monetary reward:


P51D-30 Mustang 78th FG 44-64147 "Big Dick" F8F-1B Bearcat, South Vietnam, 1964 Bell P-39N-0 Airacobra "Pantie Bandit"



CL-13A Sabre Mk.5 as used by the West German Air Force Me-262-"Schwalbe" III./JG 7 "Nowotny" XP-38G and P-38G "Invasion Stripes"



I-156 "16" B-24D "Strawberry Bitch" Ki-10-II "Aerobatics Special"



F6F Hellcat VF-84 USS Bunker Hill KI-61 hei 244th Sentai KI-84 ko 102nd Sentai


The War Thunder Team

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