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Squadron Battles
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Squadron events - is a special mode, where only squadrons are permitted to fight. They take place in 8 vs 8 battle format in three different game modes. This article will introduce this mode to you, as well as give you an insight into its future development.

Read in Developers blog

Undoubtedly, squadron battles will be a popular mode for those squadrons which have more interests than community and the ideological views of the players. Firstly this is an opportunity to show themselves to other powerful teams and communities, to demonstrate not only a high level of the professionalism of each player, but also of the whole squadron. Also, the best players will get fantastic rewards! Duel rating is a logical approach in the project evolution and we have no doubt that our players, for whom War Thunder is more like a competition and a cybersport, will increase their popularity and earn more respect from the community!

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