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Royal Air Force Anniversary
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From April 2nd  06:00 GMT to April 3rd 06:00 GMT x4 RP gain bonus for the first victory for all nations.

The Royal Air Force was formed on April 1st 1918, immediately becoming the largest air force in the world and having a strong impact on the events in the last year of World War I. However it was during World War II and the Battle of Britain in 1940, when thousands of British pilots faced the previously unbeaten Luftwaffe armada and the RAF role became truly crucial. As Winston Churchill said: “Never, in the field of human conflict, was so much owed by so many to so few.” And The Few were not only British pilots, but brave airmen from around the Commonwealth, as well as France, Poland and many other countries. This battle was only the first step on the long way to victory, where later there were fierce battles over North Africa, the Mediterranean, France and finally Germany.


Today’s RAF is one of the most numerous and advanced air forces, employing non-guided aircraft and high precision weapons, effectively guarding British interests and contributing to the War on Terrorism.


We commemorate those valiant pilots, gunners, bomb aimers, engineers, men and women alike, who laid down their lives in the skies of World War II, and salute those military and civilian specialists who continue their struggle for freedom in the ranks of the Royal Air Force today.

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