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Russian Air Force 105th anniversary
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From August 11th to August 14th  (07:00 GMT)

Win unique decals!

August 12th is the official day of Russian Air Force.
From all of us at Gaijin: We wish you blue skies, a reliable engine and a good landing which you can walk away from!

Flag of the USSR Air Force  Emblem of the USSR Air Force
Gain 10/5/5 victories  (AB/RB/SB) whilst flying
Soviet aircraft of ranks 3-5 with a minimal battle activity of 60%
Destroy 20/10/10 enemy aircraft (AB/RB/SB) whilst flying
Soviet aircraft of ranks 3-5 with a minimal battle activity of 60%

Tasks can not be completed in EC mode! You can follow your progress in your profile -> Achievements -> Achievements -> Special.

Decals can be found in Decals -> USSR ​

The War Thunder Team

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