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War Thunder Golden Days
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"Dear Players, We apologize for the inconvenience during today's Golden Battles. The number of our players is growing and our servers were not prepared for so many wishing to participate in the action, we were preparing for it as a stress test. Despite the fact that Fights were successful in the morning and the evening session, it is the number of those wishing to join the action that the server could not fully handle.

To compensate for the inconvenience to those of you who are not able to play tonight we are giving an additional new share - on Monday, Wednesday and Friday for 7th victory in the day you will get 100 gold eagles!

Monday: 09/3/14 20:00 GMT - 10/3/14 20:00 GMT

Wednesday: 11/3/14 20:00 GMT - 12/3/14 20:00 GMT

Friday: 13/3/14 20:00 GMT - 140/3/14 20:00 GMT

Golden Battles is still Running to original scedule + 1 Hour.

Thank you for choosing to play with us."

Anton Yudintsev, president of Gaijin Entertainment

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