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Make your vehicle more authentic!
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Make your vehicle more authentic! We regularly introduce new decals you may unlock and/or purchase. New decals will become available for unlocking and purchase for 2 weeks and after that time, they will be replaced with new ones. Players will retain the unlocked decals forever!

We have already added several new decals for you that are available until 31st of May. You may find them in customization menu, “week’s latest” section. 

Follow the news and don’t miss out on some interesting decals.

Gain 40 victories (20 for RB and SB) with a 80% battle activity whilst driving USSR ground vehicles 
Gain 40 victories (20 for RB and SB) with a 65% battle activity whilst flying any aircraft
200 Golden Eagles
Destroy 60 (30 for SB and RB) enemy controlled vehicles whilst flying German aircraft or purchase with 200 Golden Eagles   
Capture 20 zones whilst driving British ground vehicles or purchase with 200 Golden Eagles   

Decals by Colin 'Fenris' Muir and Jej 'CharlieFoxtrot' Ortiz

The requirements for the decals may be checked by hovering your mouse over the decal in the customization menu. In order to obtain a decal you should be using vehicles of ranks 2-5 in random battles and events. They cannot be gained in Enduring Confrontation mode. 

Previous decals will be now moved to their sections and will be available only for the players who have them unlocked/purchased:Show/Hide▼
  • "Pistol Pakin Gremlin", No. 93 Squadron, RAAF
  • "Bagpiping Roo", No. 460 Squadron, RAAF
  • "Panther and Fleur de Lis", Lt Aubrey Stanhope, 335FS, 4FG, 8AF, USAAF
  • "Green Hornet" emblem, 675 BS, 417 BG, 5AF, New Guinea, 1944, USAAF
  • "Green Hornet" text, 675 BS, 417 BG, 5AF, New Guinea, 1944, USAAF

The War Thunder Team

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