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Extended "Replay Service"
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Dear players, recently we introduced a new “Replay service” as part of continued development of social and game functions of the project. This allows you to watch the battle from the perspective of any player as server replays allow you to recreate the course of a battle, see the enemy tactics, and develop unusual solutions to counter them. 

Today we introduce an update that will allow you to send reports for unsportsmanship behaviour or if you suspect a person is using forbidden modifications. Your efforts in reporting such players using the server replay option, will help us to improve the automatic systems for our ingame behaviour regulation. With your help we will endeavour to remove unfair play completely.

To send a report for unsportsmanship behaviour or for using forbidden modifications do the following:

  • Launch the game and fold it (Alt-Tab).
  • Go to replays tab.
  • Select the required filters for a game mode (AB, RB, SB), battle type (Random battles, custom battles, squadron battles, tournament, squadron tournament). 
  • Select the vehicle type that took part in battle (aircraft, ground vehicles, both).
  • You may use “search by user field in order to search for the battle by using the users nickname. You may also search only the battles you took part in selecting "Find replays with my participation”.  
  • Press “find”.
  • Choose the battle you need from the list and press “watch replay”  
  • Unfold the game client (Alt + Tab).
  • Mark the time when the violation took place. 
  • Press the report button for the nickname of the player. Add the replay time where the violation took place and describe it.
  • Send the report - it will be automatically sent for investigation. 

That's it! Thank you for all your reports!

The War Thunder Team

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