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Day of the Russian Air Force
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From 13:00 GMT on the 12th of August to 13:00 GMT on the 13th of August

Bring your team to victory three times by playing rank III - V aircraft of the USSR and earn
a personal discount for one of the premium Soviet aircraft!

Tell us which aircraft you have received a discount for in the comments!

A battle activity of at least 60% is necessary. You can follow your progress by going to your Profile, then 'Achievements' then 'Special'.

On the 12th of August 1912, in the Russian Empire by the highest order of Nicholas II, the first aviation unit was formed, the first to create a new wing of the armed forces - The Imperial Air Force. The 12th of August became an official celebration day for the Russian Air Force, which was officially made so at the 1997 Russian Federation presidential edict “the establishment of Russian Air Force Day”.

From all of us at Gaijin: We wish you blue skies, a reliable engine and a good landing which you can walk away from!

Happy Russian Air Force Day! 

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