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New special event aircraft XF5F-1 and TB-3!
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It is time to reward some of our players who have participated in the  “Winter Magic” event series! Find out more about your prizes and when they will arrive in your hangar!



The winter holidays are over, so it is time to give some winter presents for our most active  players who participated in the “Winter Magic” event series. The TB-3 bomber and the XF5F-1 “Skyrocket” fighter are being prepared for you!




All the players who completed at least 10 of the 17 special tasks for the aircraft will be given this plane during several days following the release of a special update, which will be deployed this week.

All players who have completed all tasks from Jan. 1st to Jan.10th have already been awarded with one week Premium for free.

About the aircraft:

TB-3 - A Soviet heavy bomber that was in service in the 1930’s and during WW2 joines rank 1 of the Soviet tree.  In 1941 the TB-3 was used as a long-distance bomber. High bombing accuracy was achieved due to it’s low speed (cruise speed - 182 Km/H) and good cockpit visibility. Also, a heavy bomb load (2000 kg - normal load, 5000 kg - maximum load) allowed the TB3 to use all available types of existing bombs.


XF5F-1 - A US naval fighter, the first flight of the prototype took place on 1st of April 1940. It joins rank III of the US tree. This aircraft has a unique design for the time it was created - low-wing with a leading edge in the fore-body. This plane became one of the first twin-engined naval fighters.


Both the TB-3 and the XF5F-1 “Skyrocket” are exlusive special aircraft and can not be purchased.

See you in the skies of  War Thunder!


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