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Pz. Kpfw. II Ausf. H
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Premium German tank Pz. Kpfw. II Ausf. H will be added in the near content update and will be part of the Advanced package "Heavy armor”. Combat rating of this machine will be comparable to the Soviet ZIS-30 and su-76M. Work on VK 903 started in July 1940. Vehicle was powered by Maybach HL66p 12-cylinder 200HP engine and only one prototype was finished. Vehicle was later armed with 5cm KwK 39/1 L/60 50mm cannon in open top turret. This model was produced in four prototypes. Although vehicle was not accepted to serial production due to standardization of equipment this vehicle lead to development of later models which used many technical solutions developed for these prototypes. ibaehibg dgaahbfd aedjigea
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