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Developers' Diaries: Ground Forces - Visual Customization
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Hello again! In the previous issues of the Diaries we shed the light on the “inner life” of War Thunder tanks - modules, armor and damage model have been discussed. Today we will talk about the way tanks look - camos, decals, dirt and rust - everything that makes your trusted battle vehicle so special. ===========================


War Thunder tanks, just like aircraft, will be be allowed to use different camos. War Thunder CBT participants may already choose one of the three available camos of the early T-34 medium tank - winter and summer versions; we are working on adding many more camo options for different tanks and SPG’s now. A few examples of how the tanks look with non-default camos: Tank camos are highly customizable - different paint schemes have their own settings, size and position of color spots are all adjustable to make your camouflage look unique!
The conditions of unlocking tank camos will probably be similar to the aircraft paint schemes - players will be offered to complete certain tasks in the game.

Decals and insignia

War Thunder pilots love decorating their aircraft with decals using the customization menu in the hangar. Tank drivers will also have this option! Historicaly accurate and made-up decals will be available for all players challenging themselves in tank warfare. Each tank and SPG has four slots for decals; users with an active premium account may use all four of them, while others may only use two slots with other two being occupied by default insignia. Tanks and aircraft will share the decal menu, however the decals themselves will be different for the two combat arms.

Tank combat is a dirty business!

From the very first day of War Thunder development we wanted our planes, tanks and warships to look like real steel beasts and not some cheap plastic toys. Dirt, dents, rust, powder traces and other signs of attrition - that’s what real combat vehicles look like on the battlefield. We are working on making the players feel like driving a real tank, not a mock-up. And we are pleased with the results of this work, achieving what we set out to do - making our tanks realistic, from controls to the smallest visual details. When we released the first Ground Forces screenshots, many players were amazed at their appearance: dirt? rust? scratches on the paint? effaced tracks? Some tried to convince us that it is unrealistic and the amount of dirt is excessive. Well, we have some good news for those who want their tanks to stay polished - they can change how battered the vehicle looks. Brand new and shiny or shabby and dirty - both options are possible! Look at how the soviet KV-2 heavy tank appearance changes depending on this setting:
War Thunder tank drivers will have an array of tools to make their vehicles look unique and special. Drive real tanks, and shape their appearance the way you like! See you on the battlefield!
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