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Throwing a Boomerang
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From 16.00 GMT on April 3rd to 07.00 GMT on April 6th

Fulfill the tasks and get one of the two CAC Boomerangs for free!

Good arvo Aussie War Thunder fans!

Today we are going to give away this fair dinkum “Boomerang Australian Fighter” for our weekend event! Just complete the tasks and you can receive this nimble little beaut from the Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (CAC). Don’t waste any time, this event is too bonzer to miss!

You can receive either of the Boomerangs, if you have one, you will get the other, if you have both, don’t be cranky, you will get the “Crocodile Trophy” with plenty of swag! On top of it: All successful players will also receive the “True Australian” ingame title -  just complete the tasks as specified below!

Interested about the Royal Australian Air Force's commitment to World War II? Read our Air Force profile here!

«Throwing a Boomerang» Special

Stage I: 10 / 5 / 2 player kills on air vehicles OR 10 / 5 / 5 player kills on ground vehicles

Figures are for Arcade / Realistic / Simulator Battles. Own player vehicle must be rank II or above.

  • Get one 'Koala Trophy' with the following items:
    • 10% Silver Lions Booster (10 games)
    • 10% Research Points Booster (10 games)

Stage II: 40 / 20 / 8 player kills on air vehicles OR 40 / 20 / 20 player kills on ground vehicles

Figures are for Arcade / Realistic / Simulator Battles. Own player vehicle must be rank II or above.
Kills from previous stages will be counted.​

  • 25% personal discount coupon for both CAC Boomerang Mk.I and Mk.II
  • Get one 'Emu Trophy' with the following items:
    • 30% Silver Lions Booster (10 games)
    • 30% Research Points Booster (10 games)

Stage III: 90 / 45 / 18 player kills on air vehicles OR 90 / 45 / 45 player kills on ground vehicles

Figures are for Arcade / Realistic / Simulator Battles. Own player vehicle must be rank II or above.
Kills from previous stages will be counted.​

  • 50% personal discount coupon for both CAC Boomerang Mk.I and Mk.II
  • Get one 'Kangaroo Trophy' with the following items:
    • 40% Silver Lions Booster (10 games)
    • 40% Research Points Booster (10 games)

Stage IV: 150 / 75 / 30 player kills on air vehicles OR 150 / 75 / 75 player kills on ground vehicles

Figures are for Arcade / Realistic / Simulator Battles. Own player vehicle must be rank II or above.
Kills from previous stages will be counted.

  • Get the unique 'True Australian' in-game title!
  • Get either the CAC Boomerang Mk. I or the CAC Boomerang Mk. II
    - OR, if you already own both Boomerangs -
    Get one 'Crocodile Trophy' with the following items:
    • 300% Silver Lions Booster (2 games) or 300% Research Points Booster (2 games)
    • Golden Battles Wager

Personal discount coupons are valid for three days after receiving them; upon activation, they last one day. Individual stages must be completed on the same type of vehicle, e.g. aircraft or tank - but you can complete following stages on different vehicles (e.g. Stage I with tanks, Stage II with aircraft etc.). You can receive the prize for completing each individual stage only once (e.g. by completing Stage I on aircraft, completing it also on tanks will yield no additional reward).

Bloody Ripper! Catch ya on the battlefield!

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